I've had a little too much to t h i n k tonight.....
you know what's the WORST?
when you talk about wanting to do something (like go to Medieval Times for FIVE DOLLARS with my school on a bustrip -- but instead I had to go to work and make TWENTY DOLLARS in SIX HOURS. yeah. good day.) and then you hear that your ex went and did that thing, and you think to yourself "well if I were still with him, I WOULD'VE gone, because I would've gone with HIM."
Now, that's depressing.
so was the previous mentioned thing in the parentheses. Fuckin A. I was pissed. I left at 6:30 saying fuck you, I'm out to everyone.
It also sucks when the person who would pull you out of this funk won't answer your phone calls, ever.
Get the hint, Christine.
Or stop caring. That'd help.
First I was all about being single, thinking it was actually benefitting me...but alas, it's not. And I want love back.
Oh well.
Another pointless no money making day tomorrow @ work...and then studying all night. FANTASTIC.
you know what's the WORST?
when you talk about wanting to do something (like go to Medieval Times for FIVE DOLLARS with my school on a bustrip -- but instead I had to go to work and make TWENTY DOLLARS in SIX HOURS. yeah. good day.) and then you hear that your ex went and did that thing, and you think to yourself "well if I were still with him, I WOULD'VE gone, because I would've gone with HIM."
Now, that's depressing.
so was the previous mentioned thing in the parentheses. Fuckin A. I was pissed. I left at 6:30 saying fuck you, I'm out to everyone.
It also sucks when the person who would pull you out of this funk won't answer your phone calls, ever.
Get the hint, Christine.
Or stop caring. That'd help.
First I was all about being single, thinking it was actually benefitting me...but alas, it's not. And I want love back.
Oh well.
Another pointless no money making day tomorrow @ work...and then studying all night. FANTASTIC.


You look cute in all of your pics.