My new shipment came today
it seems like there are fifty million bags of fifty million colors
rainbow scatter. YIKES.
Well I just wanted to update but i gotta get fuckin busy i have hundreds of dreads to make!!!!
oh and also my pole class now starts in hmmmmmmmmmmmmm 13 DAYS.
blaghaghlakshfilnwefihaghahgai could i be more excited?? i think not

it seems like there are fifty million bags of fifty million colors
rainbow scatter. YIKES.
Well I just wanted to update but i gotta get fuckin busy i have hundreds of dreads to make!!!!
oh and also my pole class now starts in hmmmmmmmmmmmmm 13 DAYS.
blaghaghlakshfilnwefihaghahgai could i be more excited?? i think not
Thanks for the comment on me & Bunni's Member Review set!

yay colors im so excited!