Sooo i went to cullman with Jake, Zack, and Nick last night. it was kind of fun. We ate chinese food
we went to walmart cuz Zack wanted a new CDand i suggested LacunCoil and of course he bought it
meaning... Brandy got a copy.. we gave him a copy of MSI also... the corruotion of Zack is slowly happining... and the LacunuCoil cd is really cool.
Two Very interesting things have happened to me yesterday. 1. I discovered well openly admitted to jake that i may be a little curious about girls( i'd rather look at a girl than a guy anyday)
I was not sure what he would think lol but he was ok with it and said the only way i cold do anything with a girl was if he was there! i was so not expecting that from him but my jake has surprised me in more than a few ways lately... bringing me to number 2. I knew i loved the whole bite thing durring sex but i have discovered i love it more on places of my bones... clavical, ribs, and omg my hips or as jake says pelvis but im callin it hips. now all of suuden this new thing really turns me on and i like it lol
I hope you guys are doing well and that this doesnt shock anyone too much lol also doubtful.. cuz i dont really know any of you anyway.. except lockhart
TTYl must continue corrupting the world.

Two Very interesting things have happened to me yesterday. 1. I discovered well openly admitted to jake that i may be a little curious about girls( i'd rather look at a girl than a guy anyday)

I hope you guys are doing well and that this doesnt shock anyone too much lol also doubtful.. cuz i dont really know any of you anyway.. except lockhart

I really don't think you have to worry about shocking anyone on this site. It's not as if the members here are anti-sex of anything. I mean seriously, we're here to look at naked chicks afterall. And the biting, oh the biting, how I love it so.

Yeah, No worries on here! And Jake's a lucky guy!
I do know a few guys that would be unhappy about their girlfriend telling them that though
I dont get it, but each to there own.