In myself? That no matter how bad I want to be able to control every aspect of my life, there are still things that I cannot change. I spend way too much of my life worrying about things out of my control and have definitely lost sleep over them when that inevitably made no difference towards the outcome.
In the world? There will always be horrible people in the world; people who just say and do terrible things. The thing is, most of those people don’t think they’re bad or that what they’re doing is horrendous. THAT is what’s hardest to accept…that not only are they bad but that they think they’re good (or going good).
We’re all composed of many intersectional threads of identity: what’s the first or primary way you think of yourself?
@fullfeeling coming at me with these super complex questions! I honestly love that this really made me think but I also feel like I may misinterpret the question so I’ll just answer best I can.
I had to look up specifically what intersectionality was: Intersectionality is a framework for understanding how social identities—such as gender, race, ethnicity, social class, religion, sexual orientation, ability, and gender identity—overlap with one another and with systems of power that oppress and advantage people in the workplace and broader community. For me, I think that I personally see myself as interracial woman before anything else. These two things combined have shaped my life more than anything else and has helped me navigate the world around me.
@kremo1, @punkinhead, and @adam_bovary asked Curious on what gave you the idea for your name? Is your SG name based on the Magician’s book series? Did you take your SG name from Stiffler in American Pie movies?
This is an easy one! I always felt like an outcast as a kid and the world of Harry Potter was a great escape. Not only did Harry face a lot of struggles in his life that I felt I could relate to (being bullied or losing a parent), I also felt happiest in a book. Care of Magical Creatures was one of my favorite Hogwarts subjects and Nifflers, in particular, seemed like such naughty but adorable creatures. When I first started SG, I used my actual name but it just never felt right. After a few years, Niffler was born!
@Thimeow asked What is your favorite place to chill?
There’s something about being able to sit on my front porch with my dogs, in the sun, with a good book that always relaxes my soul. Though I don’t care for extreme heat (the heat index with humidity can get to 110-115 F during the summer where I live), the sun definitely recharges me.
If I’m not at home, the beach! Clearly the sun is a big plus for me so just laying on the beach, listening to the waves. The salty air is nice, too. Perfection. Who wants to join me?? -- @Niffler