Going out tonight to drink some beers. I feel the urge to get really fucked up and crazy(Does that make me sound like an alcoholic?) The bar is only a few blocks from my house; total bonus. But the total downside is that is really the ONLY bar in town..so if its lame tonight, well...my evening is essentially fucked. Ahh, the joys of living in...
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Of course that doesn't make you sound like an alcoholic. I love going out for some beer! Plus, I've been recently employing the same strategy as you and finding bars close to home. Hope your night was eventful and that you had a great time.
It was not nearly as wild as I had hoped, but it was still a decent time!
I was just peeking at your profile....I totally have a crush on Zooey Deschanel too!
I can relate. I'm making bank, but working a shit-ton of hours. At least I get 6 weeks of vacation a year, so that helps.
Ooh and also. If any of you stumbling across this blog could recommend some good anime, that would be awesome. I have never watched it before, so I don't know where to start.
Haven't watched much anime since I was in college. Although I do remember enjoying the series "Cowboy Bebop", and the movie "Blood:The Last Vampire."
Try 'Ninja Scroll', 'Cowboy Bebop', and 'Spirited Away"
Its a beautiful day out. Sun is shining, there is a very slight breeze, and all my windows are open. I went for a jog in the park earlier. My odd duck neighbor who lives upstairs has taken the crabby old bitch across the hall somewhere, so I essentially have the building to myself. Which means I can play my music as loud as I...
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"nostalgia is a seductive liar" I read this quote on a billboard(ha!) and I love it. it couldn't have come at a better time. Why is it that no matter how happy we are in our lives, we always feel like there is something we are missing? Or, that there is something from the past that we still need?
Maybe I shouldn't say "we." Maybe...
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Maybe I shouldn't say "we." Maybe...
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Very insightful blog. It's nice to bump into a usually rational minded gal like you from time to time.
Perhaps there is something in your past that you remember made you feel comfortable or safe? When you feel nostalgic you're either yearning for the past or feeling a general appreciation of it. You should try and remember how you felt when the nostalgia comes on. It may help answer your question.
I need a serious self-esteem boost. I am having the kind of day where I feel as though I could stand to lose about 30 pounds and change basically everything about myself..which I find ironic, because I find all women to be gorgeous. In fact, I am typically more attracted to girls with a little extra meat. Why can't I be this accepting of myself?...
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Hey Minnesota!
Super skinny girls with fake everything and mall hair are gross. You are lovely.
Super skinny girls with fake everything and mall hair are gross. You are lovely.
I think you're Gorgeous, and perfect just the way you are 

So, here we go. I have been a member of this site for awhile now, but didn't know exactly what I should say or do. Its a lot to take in at first, all the naked asses and tits
I want to start talking to people who are like me. Im sick of feeling like Im lost in a sea of "normal" people. My town...
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ur welcome beautiful!

It's no easy task to find matching people, especially in small towns. Even where I live, the people you would find on SG are a rarity, and so much more so in the circles I exist in (engineering, journalism). But, with time, there's a large enough smattering of us here that you might be able to find reflections of yourself that do you well!
Nice stomach and a very beautiful face too :o) xxx