i went to new york for a while, im back in LA now.
i love new york. i am completely in love with her. LA and I never really were a team... we never got along. LA divorced me a LONG time ago, i guess i just never really realized.
so before long I'm going to get the hell out of here. I'm going to... Read More
if none of you have seen this, you should see this. yes, in the end (and certainly during) there will be moments where you feel what you are indeed watching, to a certain degree, propoganda. but by god, if anything, it gets you MAD. and with this sort of thing, you MUST be mad...
it's just one of those "god dammit" times in my life. for me they only usually last a week or two, but this one has been goin on for a month or so now.
god dammit.
oh well, i think im tapering out of it. we'll see.
In 15 years the high school and college students who are experimenting with LSD will be running our institutions and guiding our public policy. Remember, the college students who are using LSD and Marijuana today do not comprise a criminal class. They are not drug addicts seeking to escape. They're your best educated, your most creative, and your most courageous young people. And like it... Read More
Hey I saw your post in Chem Halo and I left some info for you there. question...was the event you attended in SF called the "Rhythum Society" ???? there are quite a few events around like the one you described but, that's the one I use to be a member of.
Well alright then. I was gonna go today, but it took me too long to eat sushi with some stupid people. All I could think of was "man popcorn is a perfectly acceptable lunch."