The Subtleties of Sound
It's funny, I haven't been back home in ages. When you're back in the place you grew up, you suddenly hear things again. Sounds you'd forgotten that you'd grown up listening to.
The sound of a train passing through town, its loud and rude chug breaking through the night sky, throbbing.
The sound of wood creaking beneath your feet as you walk back into your basement for the first time in years.
The click or clank of a 20-year-old light-switch.
The squeal of metal-on-metal as your turn the rickety old handle of your bedroom door.
The subtleties of sound.... they say that smell is the sense most connected to memory. I think for some of us, any one sensation is as powerful, or more, than any other. So much of my life is about music, sound. For me, hearing these things brings back floods of memories.
Then again, I'm ready to leave. Off to NYC, then back home to LA. The sound I miss most is the sound of music coming out of the grandiose stereo in my apartment.... not these shitty laptop speakers. To hell with laptop speakers!
au revoir, fellow dreamers...
It's funny, I haven't been back home in ages. When you're back in the place you grew up, you suddenly hear things again. Sounds you'd forgotten that you'd grown up listening to.
The sound of a train passing through town, its loud and rude chug breaking through the night sky, throbbing.
The sound of wood creaking beneath your feet as you walk back into your basement for the first time in years.
The click or clank of a 20-year-old light-switch.
The squeal of metal-on-metal as your turn the rickety old handle of your bedroom door.
The subtleties of sound.... they say that smell is the sense most connected to memory. I think for some of us, any one sensation is as powerful, or more, than any other. So much of my life is about music, sound. For me, hearing these things brings back floods of memories.
Then again, I'm ready to leave. Off to NYC, then back home to LA. The sound I miss most is the sound of music coming out of the grandiose stereo in my apartment.... not these shitty laptop speakers. To hell with laptop speakers!

au revoir, fellow dreamers...
I can't really say the same thing since i never grew up in a stable, permanent place. A few years back i visited my relatives in McAllen Texas. It was the first time being there since i left. I believe i was 6 at the time. I remember it being very green and lively. Now, it looks very dead and dry and kinda depressing. South Padre Island still looks the same though so that made up for it.
That's what i miss the most about "home". I say that because I've lived here and there since moving from Texas, and have been to TOO MANY schools for me to count. Lets just say i won't be going to any high school reunions anytime soon. That's three different high schools and people that i really would rather not see. Gah!

going home for me is always so bittersweet, especially since i grew up in the same house for 18 years and then, because of bankruptcy, was forced to move out right before coming to college. my new house is not really my home. i hate growing up. a lot.