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- on beastlybrittneyz's page
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Who the fuck did this?
ha ha ha - I guess things are slowing down round here?
some of the groups I used to digg are so dead- where did everyone go?
some of the groups I used to digg are so dead- where did everyone go?

welcome bacv
i got my first tooth pulled today i was sooo fuckin scared it wasnt as bad as i thought it was gonna be but it still kinda sucked i was sweating just freakin out its all done ow though and im so hapy kant feel it yet though im still pretty numb...im gonna quit smokin kause i dont wasnt a dry socket my moma had...
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Dry socket BLOWS! I'd rather have a needle stuck in my eye. The picture is awesome!

nothing worse then a tooth ach,
good reason to quit 'lung nails' good luck kicking the habit
good reason to quit 'lung nails' good luck kicking the habit

hello SG world how has everyone been?? i've been busy as hell myself just have had alot goin on the past few months and haven't been on here in ages..my life ha pretty much been in shambles and whole world turned upside down. it mostly began in august..august 22nd to be exact that day was the worst day of my life and will prolly always...
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Wow, I would definitely like to check out that show. It sounds super hot!!
circus was awesome
Hey. Hope u r keepin' Jersey safe.
Lady! What've you been up to?
weather still fuckin sux most of the time i am goin to the circus this weekend though thats excitin i haven't been to one of those in mad long i got some really kick ass seats too i hope i get to ride an elephant i dunno if i spelled that right o well lie is rockin though thats about it
and that guy is...
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ugh this fuckin weather latley has been pissin me off it was soo nice out for a few days now it's kold i was gettin used to the 70 degree weather had my sandals out walkin bare foot lovin it! now i htink it may snow again boo!! another ting thats shitty is i met this great fuckin boy (well that's great conidering the last...
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Yeah, the snow this afternoon threw me off, too. The rain yesterday was ridiculous and now snow. Where's spring? Nice to hear that work is going well! Where are you working these days, anyway? I recall you're last job had some gun play, right? Be careful out there!
you shoulda come out to see grindhouse, it was a pretty killer flic
has anybody seen the bridge??
No, I haven't seen it but I want to. I heard an interview with the director on the radio a couple of months ago. It sounded like a eerie movie.
No, but I saw 300.
Damn U R HOTT~!!

Damn U R HOTT~!!
yes i am not sick anymore and haven't been for a little while now i'm just lovin the feelin of being single that shit rocks i love it i've just been workin or not workin so much and chillaxin with whom everi want to and not gettin yelled at it's gret so watch out boys and girls bestly brittneyz is on the loose haha
Yeah...I think it rocks too......

i'm kinda sick and shit it sux i hate ein sick!!hate it! jsut been tryin to keep myself medicated and sllep it off so i kan get up all nice and early and go to work tomorrow woo and it';s the wing bowl shit tomorrow so i gotta be there and ready to work at 9 in the am karziness whoever thought of havein a...
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So, what's new? You recover from the whole Wing Bowl episode?
RU unsick yet? Hi again.
jsut got my sht back was off for a while just signed back up woo
so the place i started workin at a few weeks ago a bitch got shot!!happy i kalled out that night but thats fucked up
Come again?
Someone was killed where you work!?!
If I were you, I'd call out forever and find a new employer
Where do you work, if you don't mind my asking?
Someone was killed where you work!?!
If I were you, I'd call out forever and find a new employer

Where do you work, if you don't mind my asking?
so fine!