My mom called me last night to tell me that my grandmother and grandfather were out shopping yesterday when my grandfather started to feel dizzy. He told my grandmother "Don't worry. This happened to me before. I'll be fine." He then passed out. His heart stopped beating and it took the ambulance too long to reach him and he suffered brain damage.
He's at the hopsital now, hooked up to life support machines. The brain scans show a minimal amount of brain activity, and when they took him off the respirator, he couldn't breath on his own.
He had signed a DNR order as part of his will, stating that if he was ever in this condition and there was no chance of his recovery, that he didn't want to go on living.
They're going to perform the final tests this weekend, and the doctors will confir, at which point my mother and grandmother will opt to see his wishes fullfilled and have the machines keeping my grandfather alive turned off.
Monday is my grandparent's 58th wedding anniversary.
The Monday after that is my grandfather's 88th birthday.
My mom said that he wouldn't want me to come back home and see him hooked up to the machines. That he'd want me to remember him as he was the last time I saw him, which was when I went home in September for my birthday. When we have his funeral, it's going to be closed casket.
I'm not sure exactley when this weekend he's going to die. My mother couldn't be sure. It all depends on when they run these tests on him, and how long it takes for the doctors to agree on his condition. It also depends on whether my grandmother wants to keep him alive until or past their anniversary on Monday.
The last time someone in my family died, my father's father, I was 9. I don't really remember it all that well.
Words cannot express how much my heart has broken or how much sorrow I feel.
He's at the hopsital now, hooked up to life support machines. The brain scans show a minimal amount of brain activity, and when they took him off the respirator, he couldn't breath on his own.
He had signed a DNR order as part of his will, stating that if he was ever in this condition and there was no chance of his recovery, that he didn't want to go on living.
They're going to perform the final tests this weekend, and the doctors will confir, at which point my mother and grandmother will opt to see his wishes fullfilled and have the machines keeping my grandfather alive turned off.
Monday is my grandparent's 58th wedding anniversary.
The Monday after that is my grandfather's 88th birthday.
My mom said that he wouldn't want me to come back home and see him hooked up to the machines. That he'd want me to remember him as he was the last time I saw him, which was when I went home in September for my birthday. When we have his funeral, it's going to be closed casket.
I'm not sure exactley when this weekend he's going to die. My mother couldn't be sure. It all depends on when they run these tests on him, and how long it takes for the doctors to agree on his condition. It also depends on whether my grandmother wants to keep him alive until or past their anniversary on Monday.
The last time someone in my family died, my father's father, I was 9. I don't really remember it all that well.
Words cannot express how much my heart has broken or how much sorrow I feel.

I am so sorry to hear this. If it's any consolation, he did not suffer for years - and the last person he saw was his lifetime love and partner.

I'm so so sorry jay