I went down to Meltdown Comics yesterday. I was a man on a mission. I needed (ok maybe "needed" is too strong a word) to pick up some new action figures. The latest wave of Alex Ross' "Kingdom Come" figures came out, and the latest McFarlane toy from their "Matrix" line came out -- Mifune in his badass A.P.U walker. Now, yeah, the last two "Matrix" movies sucked, but the toys are fuckin sweeeeeeet!
So I walk into Meltdown, and what do they have sitting right there in the front? All the "Kingdom Come" figures and the A.P.U figure. I even managed to get the LAST Batman figure.
I'm starting to run out of room for them.
Yeah, I'm a geek.
Then I went to see "21 Grams" which was very well acted, but suffered from lack of detail in the writing and a fractured timeline which it didn't need and I felt took away from the overall impact of the story. It was hard to develop an emotional connection to the characters with all the jumping around in time the movie did, and when all was said and done, you didn't really learn all that much about hte characters to help you care about them one way or the other. But Benicio Del Toro was fucking awesome.
Then I stopped off at Roscoe's and got myself a #13 to go. It'd been far too long since I indulged in my Roscoe's addiction.
Then I watched my exteded edition of "The Two Towers" AGAIN for what must be the 6th or 7th time. I'm fucking addicted to that thing. Only three more weeks until "Return of the King" comes out. I hope I can keep my head from exploding with anticipation before then.
So back to work tomorrow. It won't be so hard to get back to it because I know in the back of my head there's only three weeks until my two week Christmas vacation. A little sugar to make the medicine go down, if you will. And hopefully within the next 3 weeks I'll have my annual revue during which time I'll get a raise, a bonus, more stock options, and the promotion I should've gotten a year ago. I better get that fucking promotion. I've worked my ass off. If I don't get it, there's going to be trouble.
Big trouble.
So I walk into Meltdown, and what do they have sitting right there in the front? All the "Kingdom Come" figures and the A.P.U figure. I even managed to get the LAST Batman figure.
I'm starting to run out of room for them.
Yeah, I'm a geek.
Then I went to see "21 Grams" which was very well acted, but suffered from lack of detail in the writing and a fractured timeline which it didn't need and I felt took away from the overall impact of the story. It was hard to develop an emotional connection to the characters with all the jumping around in time the movie did, and when all was said and done, you didn't really learn all that much about hte characters to help you care about them one way or the other. But Benicio Del Toro was fucking awesome.
Then I stopped off at Roscoe's and got myself a #13 to go. It'd been far too long since I indulged in my Roscoe's addiction.
Then I watched my exteded edition of "The Two Towers" AGAIN for what must be the 6th or 7th time. I'm fucking addicted to that thing. Only three more weeks until "Return of the King" comes out. I hope I can keep my head from exploding with anticipation before then.
So back to work tomorrow. It won't be so hard to get back to it because I know in the back of my head there's only three weeks until my two week Christmas vacation. A little sugar to make the medicine go down, if you will. And hopefully within the next 3 weeks I'll have my annual revue during which time I'll get a raise, a bonus, more stock options, and the promotion I should've gotten a year ago. I better get that fucking promotion. I've worked my ass off. If I don't get it, there's going to be trouble.

<---gonna see 21g today.