all and all not that bad a day really. Work was good, just set up to recieve my guys who get in on Saturday. Other than that not much else in my life very interesting. It's funny how one person determines wether or not you are going to have a good day or not. If when you get home are you going to be bored...
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yea!!!!!!!!! back to work tomorrow... yea.

just bored so i am sitting in front of my computer playing around with my music and looking at beautiful (SG) women. YOu would think that i would be more tired seeing as how i had been on the road for like 26 hours. Maybe it's the opposite though.................................................blahhh
so I went back to austin for a while, like two weeks on leave and it pretty much sucked. I mean seeing my family was awesome, it's just that some personal shit happened that is too personal to put on some fucking internet journal. I made some friends, lost some, found out a little more about myself and got really fucked on Red Bull and...
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just so everyone knows i am back in cali now and have been since january 16. YEA!!!! later.....
So, I have been out here since June 6th I think and it really upsets me that all the work I will have done out here will all go to shit when the army moves in to take over. These fuckin guys, I swear. They are trying to do our job and if you hadn't heard the navy's as well cause now the army has...
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Why is it that guys are such pussies when it comes to hot women? For instance one of my boys and his intended fiance are on the outs and he's all Harie-carie on me. I just don't understand it sometimes.
2 days to xmas and this year I haven't even had a chance to think about it. Though I can't say as I would want...
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2 days to xmas and this year I haven't even had a chance to think about it. Though I can't say as I would want...
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4 days to fuckin christmas, big fucking DEAL!
IT is absolutely FREEZIN out here. I swear to god this country is seriously one step away from hell. ANYWAYS, still havin fun and keepin it real. I'll be home soon, then all you Cali kids better buy my sexy ass a drink. Later gator.
IT is absolutely FREEZIN out here. I swear to god this country is seriously one step away from hell. ANYWAYS, still havin fun and keepin it real. I'll be home soon, then all you Cali kids better buy my sexy ass a drink. Later gator.

right so all my friends are turning to me for advice on their love lives and I am flattered that they value my advice that much but damn. I am begining to think that they don't have any idea how the dating world works. Oh well, not my life right?
So i finished my forearm piece, and I am super pumped to get it put...
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So i finished my forearm piece, and I am super pumped to get it put...
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so i am sitting here in iraq and I'm bored out of my mind and then the next minute getting shot at. This place is great. Miss home, miss getting fucked and fucked up...