there comes this time when we all will inevitably hurt the ones we love. It's not that we want to, or intend to; sometimes it just happens. It is almost as constant as death and taxes. But as sit here and write this I can't think of anyone who would read save me. It's not like anyone is actualy looking up my profile to see...
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Hey! Thanks for the sweet comment on my set! It made me smile.

Just a few more hours until I can run around naked if I wanted to. HAHAHA!!!

average day, average week, average life... GOD, how much do i miss personal freedom? Anyway, so this weekend is full of adventure and danger... I get to sit around and play guitar, watch old Family Guy episodes and daydream about this upcoming winter and what new mountain I can kill myself on. I miss my powder. blah............................................................

wow, what a time i have had. sorry been gone from y'all for a while but i'm back now.
Today was a really good day, i guess. If i was to measure how good a day was by how much shit i got done in that day then i would say that today was a very good day. Now just trying to remember why....

my new tat
AHHHHHHH DAMN THE PICTURE limit. Oh well I guess you won't see me then... HA!
so yesterday was cool, broke in the new snowboard. It's an atomic rapture I got from, so fuckin sick. Anyways, if anyone is going up there dress for some surprisingly warm weather. late
LONG WEEKEND!! Just got back from Ocotillo, and we had such a good time, though I wheelied the quad on the back side of devils slide and fuckin ran myself over, that kinda sucked but I was drunk so it didn't hurt that bad. Then everyone there surprised me when they busted out the happy birthday serenade and cake around the camp fire. It was...
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alright so I was at the Bahia resort off W. Mission tonight with my boys cause we wanted to check out the Live Fast Kustom Kulture show, my boy Jason was doing some inking there. Anywaysm, few beers later and I was like ' I need to walk around'. So I go snoopin around checkin out flash and shit like that when all of a...
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all and all not that bad a day really. Work was good, just set up to recieve my guys who get in on Saturday. Other than that not much else in my life very interesting. It's funny how one person determines wether or not you are going to have a good day or not. If when you get home are you going to be bored...
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