Do me a favor folks,check out Osaka Punch and Transylvania Stud. Two of my favorite bands, that could certainly use a little help along the way. Both are musically different from each other but are phenomenal in their own way.


Not like I've been particularly sad or out of sorts lately, but I've been listening to a lot of music by people who can absolutely shatter my soul with their voices. Guys like Chris Cornel, Devin Townsend,Eddie Vedder. Glad I'm the only one on site at work right now, hate when people see me crying. Makes me feel weak, even though I know it's not...
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Crying is very natural and good for you too! It gets all your emotions out of you and usually you feel better. I know what you mean about music doing that to you because same with me!
@nevergoodbye Unfortunately I was raised in one of those traditional "men don't cry" kind of households.  And for the longest time I suppressed all emotions because I was supposed to be stone faced.  However now I'm getting in touch with my emotions over the last few years and unfortunately it's a bit overwhelming because I'm learning how to cope with them as they come out. So sometimes I'm just and absolute maelstrom of emotions. Hence why I think music always has done this to me to an extent. Just that lately I've let it take me and go with the flow. Getting used to treading the water, is testing me more than I'd like to admit.

Straight up, Suicide Girls finds the most beautiful redheaded women I've ever seen. I mean I'm a ginger myself so I have an even higher level of appreciation for'em. But hot damn.


Really inspired lately,just started writing again and it feels good. Granted I'm a dark individual so it's not anything for the faint of heart. Gonna be a lot of high strangeness and body horror. First chapter is in the book. Let's get it!

@miss_bella_cyanide So clearly you have good taste. I'm gonna have to check out a few of you recommendations.
@miss_bella_cyanide So as a bit of an update,I do have to say you most definitely have impeccable taste in literature. Mind you I'm only about a quarter of the way through  House of Small Shadows, but it's phenomenal. Catherine is an extremely relatable and well written character from what I've seen so far. Really enjoying Neville's writing style.  Thank you for the recommendation.