The most ordinary day can be transformed by the smallest event.
When the trawl through the usual routine is blessed with a moment of unexpected circumstance it can seem like such a breath of fresh air. It changes your mood and it lifts you.
It's great when it happens, and thank goodness that once in a while it does.
Most of my day today passed...
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No, I think people will always have the bit of curiosity. Out of 100 people who would've passed in that very same spot, I bet 99 of them that noticed would've stood there @ least long enough to take in the view. I know I would've and I'd like to think that I have a healthy amount of perversion in my life (anyone who says they aren't perverted @ least a little is a liar!), so I would've soaked in the view long enough to have a mental image. You never know: A few months would pass and she'll come back in your dreams...ravaging you or what not! I'm sure we all have @ least 100 images like these ingrained in our minds ready to be used on any given night of sleep (or daydream!).

Question: How's the curry in your town? One thing I miss about going abroad is getting pissed, then eating curry or fish.

Towns I got pissed & ate curry or fish in:

- London (too many times to list 1989, 1995, 2000, 2002, 2005)
- Sheffield (nice mall...good pubs...hate the hills! 2000)
- Bradford (I've never seen so much curry in my LIFE 2000)
- Leeds (after shopping @ IKEA w/ best friend from Barnsley...for 3 hours!!! 2000)
- Dover (on Teacher's Scotch after graduating high school 1989)
- Edinburgh (w/ my best friend from Barnsley - I know this isn't England 2000)
- Barnsley (that was one helluva time there! 2000)
- Derby (1st English "shag" & seeing Skunk Annansie- 1995)

- Nottingham (after seeing The Mission - 1995)
- Sunderland (after seeing Pop Will Eat Itself - 1995)
- Glascow (this town sucks! 2000)
- Perth (near a gas station 2000)
- Inverness (hot girls! 2000)
- Aberdeen (more hot girls! 2000)

I know there's others, but now my mind's swirling because a whole rush of memories are coming back...now I'm the one inspired mate! smile
Yeah you are a pervert but in a perfectly healthy curiosity way. Atleast thats what i say when i get busted looking at breasts!! wink
The planet is an interesting place. It seems to be endless mixture of different cultures and personalities.
On one hand, this is a good thing. For example, it is the reason why SG is such a vibrant and inspirational community.
On the other hand, (unfortunately) it is the reason I can no longer leave my house without fear of being set upon by psychotic drunks...
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Dude, what the fuck???? Is that real? that is some fucked up shit!! glad you got home safe in the end.

Perhaps they thought you were someone else, like the guy they borrowed a golf club off and they wanted to return itbiggrinbiggrinbiggrin wishfull thinking i reckon, the world is indeed full of nutters
Man!! It doesn't take long for that pleasant feeling we all associate with the party season to swiftly subside. Have I had a stressfull couple of days?!!
Thursday was the real bum.
Totally housebound, I had the dutiful task of supervising my two year old daughter as she experienced life without nappies for the first time.
"Great" I think. "How hard can this be?"
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Good morning.
As always, I thought I'd begin the new year with all kinds of half promised good intentions. All of which fall into the usual catagories...eat less, sleep more, exercise and generally try to become better than I am!
I've also decided to make an effort to keep some kind of journal going on this site. Something I've never done before, and hopefully a...
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Right there with you dude, atleast for about a week til i get bored of trying to get fit and healthy biggrin biggrin biggrin