Okay, I just sat down with a glass of cider and some snacks to watch Frenzy and the final scene left me pondering the following.....Our hero beats a girl around the head with an iron bar thinking that she is in fact someone else (she's seemingly asleep and obscured under the bedsheets). We soon discover that the girl is actually already dead, having been murdered and left in the room while the (absent) murderer prepares to dispose of the body. My question is this, In beating up a corpse, has our hero actually committed any crime?.....Anyone know the answer?
Hmm, maybe I should just let it go and go to bed. Haha,
Until next time, stay safe,....
Hmm, maybe I should just let it go and go to bed. Haha,
Until next time, stay safe,....
No it's an interesting scenario. I was thinking illegal...I'm sticking to it. Overkill bro - R
Have a happy B-Day Bean. Talk soon - R