Time to update.
I've had some mixed experiences this week.
As you know, ten days ago I was stumbling around in the midst of possibly the worst cold I've had in years. A real bone shaker. The kind that causes you to wake yourself in the night with the sound of your own involuntarily moaning.
Thankfully, I am much better now.
However, my freedom from the shackles of ill-health has come at a price.
It is now my responsilbility to run, fetch and carry for those unfortunate enough to be around me at my most contagious.
That's right, wife and daughter have both been sick as parrots.
For three days last week we were all as useless as each other but eventually myself and my two year old daughter pulled through.
Things had also been looking good for my wife until two days ago when unfortunately, she had a huge relapse.
She's in a pretty vunerable state at the moment, 35 weeks pregnant, and still working hard.
She took an afternoon in bed on Monday because she wasn't feeling right, and eventually, on that same day she booked herself in to see the doctor.
By the time her appointment arrived she was fighting for breath and hardly able to stand. We made the short journey to the surgery only to have the doctor take one look at her and call for an ambulance.
So, my wife has spent the last two days in hospital with what seems to be some form of pneumonia .
She's had to go through all manner of tests and injections and unfortunately still has some more to come.
Happily, she is home again now. She is feeling much better and there are no concerns with the baby.
We're all really tired.
My wife has been kept awake by the hustle and bustle of hospital.
Myself and my daughter are weary from hours of driving back and forth.
To be honest it's been a pretty dramatic end to what had actually been a really cool week.
If I may rewind.
I mentioned in my Valentines day entry that my band had been booked in to play a show on the 22nd of Feb. Well, the show happened as planned and went really well.
Nerves were running high due to the fact that we haven't played live in months. Also we were playing a set comprised of totally new material so we were a little unsure of how it would all go down.
We should'nt have worried.
We played tight and with good energy. There's nothing like a great performance to put you in good spirits (even if I do say so myself). I also got to sink a few beers with a guy I haven't seen in almost a year. Someone I'd been promising to meet up with for ages. Another contributing factor to a great night out.
I've got some good momentum going with my band at the moment.
We're due to relocate to Wales for four days in March to record our new songs. An experience that I'm looking forward to very much and one that I'll write about some more.
Right now, tiredness is creeping in and becoming hard to ignore. I'm going to hit the sack.
I've had some mixed experiences this week.
As you know, ten days ago I was stumbling around in the midst of possibly the worst cold I've had in years. A real bone shaker. The kind that causes you to wake yourself in the night with the sound of your own involuntarily moaning.
Thankfully, I am much better now.
However, my freedom from the shackles of ill-health has come at a price.
It is now my responsilbility to run, fetch and carry for those unfortunate enough to be around me at my most contagious.
That's right, wife and daughter have both been sick as parrots.
For three days last week we were all as useless as each other but eventually myself and my two year old daughter pulled through.
Things had also been looking good for my wife until two days ago when unfortunately, she had a huge relapse.
She's in a pretty vunerable state at the moment, 35 weeks pregnant, and still working hard.
She took an afternoon in bed on Monday because she wasn't feeling right, and eventually, on that same day she booked herself in to see the doctor.
By the time her appointment arrived she was fighting for breath and hardly able to stand. We made the short journey to the surgery only to have the doctor take one look at her and call for an ambulance.
So, my wife has spent the last two days in hospital with what seems to be some form of pneumonia .
She's had to go through all manner of tests and injections and unfortunately still has some more to come.
Happily, she is home again now. She is feeling much better and there are no concerns with the baby.
We're all really tired.
My wife has been kept awake by the hustle and bustle of hospital.
Myself and my daughter are weary from hours of driving back and forth.
To be honest it's been a pretty dramatic end to what had actually been a really cool week.
If I may rewind.
I mentioned in my Valentines day entry that my band had been booked in to play a show on the 22nd of Feb. Well, the show happened as planned and went really well.
Nerves were running high due to the fact that we haven't played live in months. Also we were playing a set comprised of totally new material so we were a little unsure of how it would all go down.
We should'nt have worried.
We played tight and with good energy. There's nothing like a great performance to put you in good spirits (even if I do say so myself). I also got to sink a few beers with a guy I haven't seen in almost a year. Someone I'd been promising to meet up with for ages. Another contributing factor to a great night out.
I've got some good momentum going with my band at the moment.
We're due to relocate to Wales for four days in March to record our new songs. An experience that I'm looking forward to very much and one that I'll write about some more.
Right now, tiredness is creeping in and becoming hard to ignore. I'm going to hit the sack.
Thanks for taking the time to read through my stuff and having a think about it.
On that note, and I'm sure you've probably seen it but here are the boys in action:
and also, you seen these goons? I saw you liked the muppets, and, well...I think it speaks for itself!!!!
Also, I read your post. First off, glad to hear that your wife and family are ok. Sounds pretty full on.
Also, what sort of band are you in. Anyone I may have heard of?
take it easy
And no, I hadn't noticed they all played the guitar left-handed. Well spotted!
take it easy fella