Milk Toast.
My mom used to make this for me when I was little. As a teenager, possessing the twin traits common to nearly every teenager in history (lazy in household matters and perpetually hungry), I'd sometimes snack on it, because it's so damn easy to make.
On Saturday, over lunch at a restaurant in downtown LA, not one of the six people I was with had ever heard of it. They all thought I was crazy, and that nooooooobody eats milk toast.
To them, I have but one thing to say:
My mom used to make this for me when I was little. As a teenager, possessing the twin traits common to nearly every teenager in history (lazy in household matters and perpetually hungry), I'd sometimes snack on it, because it's so damn easy to make.
On Saturday, over lunch at a restaurant in downtown LA, not one of the six people I was with had ever heard of it. They all thought I was crazy, and that nooooooobody eats milk toast.
To them, I have but one thing to say:
I'll assume you will be arriving up here in 6.34 hours so I will plan accordingly.
dont be dead.