I'm going to start trying to do more photo blogs. Getting the pics off my camera and/or phone is the first hurdle to get over. The other hurdle is more mental. There are times when I want to upload pics to describe what I've been up to, but I don't want to do it without plenty of accompanying text. Then I don't do that, either because I'm busy and get sidetracked or because I can't come up with much to say. So then, instead of getting too-brief descriptions of what I've been up to, along with the pics, you get nothing. Enough of that.
Last weekend Obelisk made some fantastic cocktails, I got hammered, and played Rock Band with him and Scopitone at 4am.
Spent all day Sunday slightly hungover, played a bunch of NCAA09 on Xbox, then went hiking with some of the SGLA kids and our dogs.
It was a good weekend.
Last weekend Obelisk made some fantastic cocktails, I got hammered, and played Rock Band with him and Scopitone at 4am.

Spent all day Sunday slightly hungover, played a bunch of NCAA09 on Xbox, then went hiking with some of the SGLA kids and our dogs.

It was a good weekend.

It's an interesting story. When Katrina slammed into Tuscaloosa, AL - where the University of Alabama is located - my dorm flooded and lost power and a/c. The beds were soaked and had to be thrown out.
So I slept on whatever I could dry - a pile of clothes and blankets on a hard floor and cold food mostly served in cans. Only time I had hot food was when it was delivered or when I biked to a cafe.
So, there. I wasn't being silly.