Clearly, I'm a complicated person. All weekend I party, drink, dance, collect bite marks, and generally act like a freak...the next night I sit in my car after getting home from work, glued to my radio, listening to this on NPR's Talk of the Nation:
Monday, October 6, 2003
It's a tale of passion and suspense, full of quirky personalities and a cameo by J.R.R. Tolkien. But the central character is a dictionary. Author Simon Winchester shares the intriguing story behind the making of the first Oxford English Dictionary.
I kid you not, it made me want to run off and become a volunteer reader for the Oxford English Dictionary.
You can listen to the program here.
One more reason I love NPR:
Today the guest on Fresh Air was the chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts. He was talking candidly about the problems within the NEA and how, being "from his toes to the tips of his fingers an egalitarian" (paraphrasing), he thinks that the Endowment should serve all the people of the country, and to that end he arranged to have Macbeth performed by several theater companies on a tour of military bases, because they represent a portion of society that gets very little exposure to the arts, and he doesn't believe in condescending to the general public or in the idea that mainstream Americans can't find value in the arts. I just thought that was great.
You can hear that one here.
Yep. I love that stuff. I'm a geek. But hey, tomorrow night I'm going up to Hollywood again to party like a rock star and welcome a couple people to the LA area. Hopefully I can collect a couple more bite bruises. My old ones are fading.
Oh, and I finally did my first desktop, since the badass OS X Flux startup screen I did didn't count for SG's know you want to check it out...beware, it's big.
Monday, October 6, 2003
It's a tale of passion and suspense, full of quirky personalities and a cameo by J.R.R. Tolkien. But the central character is a dictionary. Author Simon Winchester shares the intriguing story behind the making of the first Oxford English Dictionary.
I kid you not, it made me want to run off and become a volunteer reader for the Oxford English Dictionary.
You can listen to the program here.
One more reason I love NPR:
Today the guest on Fresh Air was the chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts. He was talking candidly about the problems within the NEA and how, being "from his toes to the tips of his fingers an egalitarian" (paraphrasing), he thinks that the Endowment should serve all the people of the country, and to that end he arranged to have Macbeth performed by several theater companies on a tour of military bases, because they represent a portion of society that gets very little exposure to the arts, and he doesn't believe in condescending to the general public or in the idea that mainstream Americans can't find value in the arts. I just thought that was great.
You can hear that one here.
Yep. I love that stuff. I'm a geek. But hey, tomorrow night I'm going up to Hollywood again to party like a rock star and welcome a couple people to the LA area. Hopefully I can collect a couple more bite bruises. My old ones are fading.
Oh, and I finally did my first desktop, since the badass OS X Flux startup screen I did didn't count for SG's know you want to check it out...beware, it's big.
here's a teaser:
:::::::::::chOMPpp::::::::::::'d i do? you gotta keep in mind, this is a Long Distance Chomp. Grade on a curve, y'know...
p.s. i dig the revised colours. for some reason, it makes it MUCH easier for me to deal with everything else... such a colour-obsessive. i'm placated, for now.
i listen to it whenever i'm actually home (hardly ever), and showering. it's sort of a ritual now, despite the infrequency of actual occurences.
...did i just speak english?