ATTENTION!! issue 3 and 4 of "Boy with ACD (activity challenge disorder)" or "My lazy arse" is up in the thread linked below
Hey kids!!
thanks for all the support on the comic... Your feedback counts... You may call me a feedback whore, cuz I can't get enough of it...
I'll be doing more issues of the comix and I'll be posting them here
I got my arse kicked yesterday at bball, I had no Idea I was sooo out of shape... mind you the guy I was playing against was like 8" taller than me but.. thats no xcuse...
Thats all for now kids, take care and have a great weekend...
Factoid: I'm chuck full of ambidextrous abilities you'll
Hey kids!!
I'll be doing more issues of the comix and I'll be posting them here
I got my arse kicked yesterday at bball, I had no Idea I was sooo out of shape... mind you the guy I was playing against was like 8" taller than me but.. thats no xcuse...
Thats all for now kids, take care and have a great weekend...
Factoid: I'm chuck full of ambidextrous abilities you'll
how are ya?