Monday Sep 05, 2005 Sep 5, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email Not going into details, but just want everybody to know that I am very happy right now. Extremely happy. I hope it lasts... VIEW 25 of 28 COMMENTS miesha: ya I'll be in Sydney for a couple weeks probably. How far out is it. I won't have a car so I probably won't be able to anyways unless I bus it. I'm going where the hostels are haha. But ya I imagine Sydney has a similar landscape, though I could be wrong??!! Sep 7, 2005 ampersand: oh, so very happy! good thing I had no plans tonight disturbing? why disturbing? ... yeah... yeah, thinking about it now, you're probably right. perhaps a little disturbing. but he is like a son to me. Sep 7, 2005
I'm going where the hostels are haha. But ya I imagine Sydney has a similar landscape, though I could be wrong??!!
disturbing? why disturbing? ... yeah... yeah, thinking about it now, you're probably right. perhaps a little disturbing. but he is like a son to me.