Thank you everyone for your love and kisses (and wedgies!)
Feeling much better about things. My family and friends have been absolutely amazing, keeping me strong and sane.
In other news:
* I have a job next year, same school, teaching Year 1 which is kick ass as it will be all the same kids as I had this year. Also kick ass is the fact that they will be wholly and solely my class, for better or worse, all year, rather than me being moved around like I was this year.
* I have just finished reading Diary. It was strange and wonderful.
* I have taken up smoking full time. I know, I know...but it's a wonderful distraction.
Feeling much better about things. My family and friends have been absolutely amazing, keeping me strong and sane.
In other news:
* I have a job next year, same school, teaching Year 1 which is kick ass as it will be all the same kids as I had this year. Also kick ass is the fact that they will be wholly and solely my class, for better or worse, all year, rather than me being moved around like I was this year.
* I have just finished reading Diary. It was strange and wonderful.
* I have taken up smoking full time. I know, I know...but it's a wonderful distraction.
I have Sat off!