They are overdue and they are far from interesting and here they are nonetheless:
20 Facts About BabyFirefly
1. On Wednesday I wore black pants and a black vest with a tie to school and pretended I was Troy Van Leeuwen.
2. I was the last child in my year at school to pass my swimming lessons test.
3. I have a green Toyota Starlet whose name is Ivy. She has a Betty Page air freshener hanging from the rear view mirror and a Betty Page sticker on the back windscreen. Ivy is the best car I've ever had, better than my first car (Roy) and waaaay better than my second car (which was so crap it didn't even earn a name).
4. I am always being told that I have really tiny ears.
5. I have lyrics to Tool's 'Parabol/Parabola' tattooed on my left wrist. All this pain is an illusion. It's for my dad. He committed suicide when I was 14.
6. I am left handed.
7. I used to play representative soccer in high school.
8. My favourite shoes are my thongs from Woolworths. I wear them everywhere. My second favourites are my xtra tall Cons (black, with black laces).
9. I am planning to get a pet ferret in the very near future. I want an all white one with black eyes and I want to call it Molochai. Spookshow_baby wants me to call it Ferret Bueller.
10. I can spread my toes really far apart. According to my boy's family, this makes me a weirdo.
11. When I was in Year 9 I got the highest marks in my year for both English and Maths. That was pretty much the peak of my academic career.
12. My 'local' is called the Oxford. The stage there is so small that bands can't always fit on it.
13. I am absolutely terrified of drowning.
14. My brother has a pet snake, unnamed.
15. My boss at work is a reformed metalhead so she doesn't mind when I rock up to work bleary eyed from seeing a band the night before, as long as I tell her all about it.
16. As I type, there is a pile of books next to my bed that is so tall I am using it as a bedside table. Amongst the books in said pile are 'Black House' (Stephen King and Peter Straub), 'The World According to Garp' (John Irving), 'The Bride Stripped Bare' (Nikki Gemmel), 'Ghost of Chance' (William S. Burroughs), 'Non-Fiction' (Chuck Palahniuk), 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban', a book about ferrets, 'Hannibal' (Thomas Harris), 'Trainspotting' (Irvine Welsh) and a book by Henry Rollins.
17. Last night I saw The Devil's Rejects for the 3rd time.
18. My last cd purchases were Deftones' B-Sides and Rarities and Opeth's latest (the name escapes me right now).
19. I just got my tax done yesterday afternoon. I leave it till the last minute every year.
20. Make up your own fact about me.
So now I guess I have to tag three others.
Hmmmm, let's see....
My girls count as one so my three are spookshow_baby and Living_Dead_Girl, amobia and zombiehellcat.
20 Facts About BabyFirefly
1. On Wednesday I wore black pants and a black vest with a tie to school and pretended I was Troy Van Leeuwen.
2. I was the last child in my year at school to pass my swimming lessons test.
3. I have a green Toyota Starlet whose name is Ivy. She has a Betty Page air freshener hanging from the rear view mirror and a Betty Page sticker on the back windscreen. Ivy is the best car I've ever had, better than my first car (Roy) and waaaay better than my second car (which was so crap it didn't even earn a name).
4. I am always being told that I have really tiny ears.
5. I have lyrics to Tool's 'Parabol/Parabola' tattooed on my left wrist. All this pain is an illusion. It's for my dad. He committed suicide when I was 14.
6. I am left handed.
7. I used to play representative soccer in high school.
8. My favourite shoes are my thongs from Woolworths. I wear them everywhere. My second favourites are my xtra tall Cons (black, with black laces).
9. I am planning to get a pet ferret in the very near future. I want an all white one with black eyes and I want to call it Molochai. Spookshow_baby wants me to call it Ferret Bueller.
10. I can spread my toes really far apart. According to my boy's family, this makes me a weirdo.
11. When I was in Year 9 I got the highest marks in my year for both English and Maths. That was pretty much the peak of my academic career.
12. My 'local' is called the Oxford. The stage there is so small that bands can't always fit on it.
13. I am absolutely terrified of drowning.
14. My brother has a pet snake, unnamed.
15. My boss at work is a reformed metalhead so she doesn't mind when I rock up to work bleary eyed from seeing a band the night before, as long as I tell her all about it.
16. As I type, there is a pile of books next to my bed that is so tall I am using it as a bedside table. Amongst the books in said pile are 'Black House' (Stephen King and Peter Straub), 'The World According to Garp' (John Irving), 'The Bride Stripped Bare' (Nikki Gemmel), 'Ghost of Chance' (William S. Burroughs), 'Non-Fiction' (Chuck Palahniuk), 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban', a book about ferrets, 'Hannibal' (Thomas Harris), 'Trainspotting' (Irvine Welsh) and a book by Henry Rollins.
17. Last night I saw The Devil's Rejects for the 3rd time.
18. My last cd purchases were Deftones' B-Sides and Rarities and Opeth's latest (the name escapes me right now).
19. I just got my tax done yesterday afternoon. I leave it till the last minute every year.
20. Make up your own fact about me.
So now I guess I have to tag three others.
Hmmmm, let's see....
My girls count as one so my three are spookshow_baby and Living_Dead_Girl, amobia and zombiehellcat.
Remind us never to hang out, we will be smashing glasses all over the place.
Hmm make up a fact about you hey?
20. Your favourite phrase is 'holy buddah batman its and emu'