Jesus' birthday was rad. BB and I got to be rockgods thanks to the impulse GuitarHero II buy. He made his very own wind-up stegosaurus, and both of us sang the theme to Jurassic Park as it took its first steps. My poppa bought each of us a goat for a needy goat-lacking village, which was sweet (figure 1). In between rockgodding and boozing my mother showered us with love (read: food) and a jolly time was had by all. My dad even got into the 12 hour Alias marathon session which ensued.
In other news, the be'elzesweetie refused to let me take public transit home and insisted on giving me a ride from el aeropuerto. I got to my appartment and there was some hippie note tacked to my door about fully realizing dreams in waking consciousness and all that jazz. I had told her about a dream I had years ago when I was running through this jungle playground with a bunch of dear lovelies. It was so splendid and vivid; in my dream, I turned to one of my playground buddies and told them we should go to this other place that I had dreamed about, a hanging labyrinthian flower garden.
I opened my bedroom door and instead of walking into my bedroom I entered a magical realm of hanging roses. 100 of them, to be precise. Each lovingly tacked to my ceiling. Each shooting toward me like a goddamn missile of love, like 100 tiny cupids with snipers had their lasers trained on me and I was powerless. (see figure 2). It's good to be home.
Happy New Year Everyone! I hope, in my own hippie way, that one or some of your dreams come true.

Figure 1. Goat

FIgure 2. Once I had this dream...
In other news, the be'elzesweetie refused to let me take public transit home and insisted on giving me a ride from el aeropuerto. I got to my appartment and there was some hippie note tacked to my door about fully realizing dreams in waking consciousness and all that jazz. I had told her about a dream I had years ago when I was running through this jungle playground with a bunch of dear lovelies. It was so splendid and vivid; in my dream, I turned to one of my playground buddies and told them we should go to this other place that I had dreamed about, a hanging labyrinthian flower garden.
I opened my bedroom door and instead of walking into my bedroom I entered a magical realm of hanging roses. 100 of them, to be precise. Each lovingly tacked to my ceiling. Each shooting toward me like a goddamn missile of love, like 100 tiny cupids with snipers had their lasers trained on me and I was powerless. (see figure 2). It's good to be home.
Happy New Year Everyone! I hope, in my own hippie way, that one or some of your dreams come true.

Figure 1. Goat

FIgure 2. Once I had this dream...
i was on damn mountain, tuning up my wa
I hope that, wherever you are, you are being showered with love and magic!