Missed the lesbian carpool and all of its crazy trucker-flashing antics. Am flying to Denver tonight for another wedding. Need to finish outstanding paper to collect my MA [Top Priority]. Will also need to get a job and find a new place to live [also Top Priority]. Still scheming on how to get to Beijing/become fluent in Mandarin [medium priority]. Will be taking a weeklong tour of the East Coast on 8/14. Stops include: Brooklyn, Manhattan, Boston, (possibly) Cape Cod, and back to Brooklyn for NYC-type debauchery. Just poured myself a little too-large-of-a-glass of Ezra Brooks. Let the August mayhem Begin!
You know I wanted to say something about Chicago, and stuff about school, and more stuff, but, all I can think of are lesbian car pools, hot girls, and flashing antics!
Yeah, I like the div school. I'm in theology, doing American historical theology, specifically the theological defense of slavery in the antebellum south. (Cheery, right?) Congrats on being almost done. What'd you do your thesis on? Are you sticking around in Chicago? SignalNoise is a UofC'er too; we should go out and grab some beers once your return from east coast debauchery. Let me know & we can plan ... Oh, and the Edith Grossman translation of Quixote is really excellent. A great read; you should definitely give it a go.