They didn't warn me about the chaffing.
So apparently if you sit, on your ass, in front of a computer for +15 hours straight (give or two a few pee/nap/beer breaks) in +95 degree heat/%90 humidity, sweat begins to collect in your lovely ass folds. you know, that sweet spot where ass connects to back of thigh? those folds. Well, if enough sweat hangs out there you begin to develop something resembling Ass Rash. augustine happened to call me while I was at Walgreens trying to find baby powder. Between fits of incredulous laughter I, like-that-annoying-girl-talking-really-loudly-on-her-cell-phone-about-really-inappropriate-things, told him about the Ass Rash. Augustine, whose superhero power is being able to fix everything, told me the secret remedy. So boys and girls, if you ever have an uncomfortable encounter with the Ass Rash this is what you do:
1) Purchase: 1 20'' x 20" box fan, 1 biggest baby powder container you can afford.
2) Go in the shower and powder yourself old-school-Victorian-style, untill nothing can stick anywhere.
3) Sprawl naked on bed with box fan full blasting on ass.
Somewhere, the thesis gods are laughing at me.

So apparently if you sit, on your ass, in front of a computer for +15 hours straight (give or two a few pee/nap/beer breaks) in +95 degree heat/%90 humidity, sweat begins to collect in your lovely ass folds. you know, that sweet spot where ass connects to back of thigh? those folds. Well, if enough sweat hangs out there you begin to develop something resembling Ass Rash. augustine happened to call me while I was at Walgreens trying to find baby powder. Between fits of incredulous laughter I, like-that-annoying-girl-talking-really-loudly-on-her-cell-phone-about-really-inappropriate-things, told him about the Ass Rash. Augustine, whose superhero power is being able to fix everything, told me the secret remedy. So boys and girls, if you ever have an uncomfortable encounter with the Ass Rash this is what you do:
1) Purchase: 1 20'' x 20" box fan, 1 biggest baby powder container you can afford.
2) Go in the shower and powder yourself old-school-Victorian-style, untill nothing can stick anywhere.
3) Sprawl naked on bed with box fan full blasting on ass.
Somewhere, the thesis gods are laughing at me.

And I must say, that is a creepy thesis-hole picture. :p