Eleven Things I Learned Out West
1. Even if you bring your thesis and a bunch of books, you will not get any school work done.
2. Turkeys are terrifying.
3. Glow sticks, tape, and a croquet set makes for an awesome addition to the rave sports.
4. PDX has free wireless in the gaddamn airport.
5. Resposado makes me ornery.
6. Tequila induced mayhem often leads to wrastling.
7. You might fool around with an ex in a tent and it will be fun.
8. The campers in the next tent will comment on how "giggly" you were.
9. Weddings will make you cry. Then hack up a lung. Then cry again.
10. You will fall in love, in love, in love all over again with all of your old friends.
11. Oregon is one of the most beautiful places on this good earth. Tell the Californians to stop invading.
1. Even if you bring your thesis and a bunch of books, you will not get any school work done.
2. Turkeys are terrifying.
3. Glow sticks, tape, and a croquet set makes for an awesome addition to the rave sports.
4. PDX has free wireless in the gaddamn airport.
5. Resposado makes me ornery.
6. Tequila induced mayhem often leads to wrastling.
7. You might fool around with an ex in a tent and it will be fun.
8. The campers in the next tent will comment on how "giggly" you were.
9. Weddings will make you cry. Then hack up a lung. Then cry again.
10. You will fall in love, in love, in love all over again with all of your old friends.
11. Oregon is one of the most beautiful places on this good earth. Tell the Californians to stop invading.
Never again always only means beer, or maybe going with little sleep(?) which never seems to stick for long anyway. Bourbon however has always treated me right for some reason. As long as I stick with it all night and don't try to top it off with Jaggermeister or something anyway...
Yay for never learning what's for my own good!
That would get downright boring.
Oregon is one place I'd love to go see for myself. It looks very pretty. Closest I've ever gotten is Vancouver which is a pretty damn cool place in it's own right.