Crazy shit going on these days. Some good and some bad.

On the good end of things, I've been able to talk with Robin twice in the past two days. She had been extremely busy with midterms and projects for the past like... 2-3 weeks. She got that mail I sent and I think it really struck a chord, because she seemed happy to talk...
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Wow...I sure hope for the best with your uncle...what a scary sitution.

I'm sorry to hear about the situation with your family. For lack of better words--that's royally fucked up. I really hope that things get figured out and your family gets back to normal very very soon.

Not for nothin', but I hope you get your act together as far as your pool game's concerned! Get back on track with your angles. Shit, I'm one to talk though--my angles have been off altogether as of recently.


I've just been going over the ballot for the upcoming election and there's all sorts of stuff that has me thinking. It scares me cause I know this state pretty well... something like prop 711 could pass here. We have way too many Christian Republicans... and that is a dangerous thing to have.

Gay marriage is banned in this state...
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I'm going to be a big loser and not comment about anything political whatsoever. My brain hurts from analyzing it all lately.

Instead, I'm going to just say "hi" and ask how you're doing...Sorry I haven't commented in a while. I've been going through a weird spell. I was having some problems with my job and I was never online...But now I'm playing catch-up.

Hope all is well you little irregular sleeper, you!

Haha. If being a liberal means being a decent human being I guess I am. So are you. I don't even think it's so much about right or left wing at this point. It's fucked up christian policies vs. down to earth policies that actually function with the shit we got going on these days. Not just relying on an old book full of arbitrary rules, ass kissing, and promises of a false afterlife if we waste the only time we have on this planet on said rules and ass kissing. Fuck that.

You know in the old testament doG said shit like thou shall not trim the sides of your beard? Well I'm not lookin' like ZZ Top so I'll seeya in hell buddy. Man that's some arbitrary shit... and the most powerful people in office have moral systems based on that garbage. I don't even listen to the arguement that it preaches love and goodwill... cause any decent person knows what is right or wrong. It goes way beyond political affiliation.
Well at least I'm makin' some progress with the sleeping shit. I just hope tonight is the night I can make my ass stay awake long enough to fix it. I got up at 1:30 a couple nights ago, 3:30 the night after, and 4 this morning. I think if I can just push myself to like 10 I'll be tired enough to sleep through...
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HAH dammit. Uncool man. I haven't had any cookies in awhile. I need to get my ass down to walmart and pick up a bag of chips ahoy sometime tomorrow.

It's about time you got yourself some blank CDs. I might need another new pack with as many new CDs I download every day. Sounds like you had a pretty damn decent day. Who's on those ska comps? Anyone I'd like?

Hope you talk to Robin soon esse.

Any plans tomorrow?
The "Midnight Radio" one seems to somewhat appeal to me. There's a couple bands on there I haven't heard...but I kinda liked the period of the NYC 3rd wave ska scene. I'll just have to upload it from you just to make sure.
Hah crazy couple days...

Well I got up at 1:30 yesterday. Yeah 1:30 in the morning. My sleeping is still fucked. I decided to try and stay up the rest of the day and it was going pretty good for the most part. I passed the time till noon then went and shot some pool with Nathan and Andrew. I don't mean to brag... well...
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Hah must have been nice wiping the floor with them two. I would say it sucks I missed it, but I got some much needed sleep. I should be sleeping right now. Fuckin' addicting website this is. I'll get over it sooner or later.
What can I do
What can I do
The girl I love's so far away
Can't get a job got bills to pay

I had some money but it's been spent
I need some help that's heaven sent
Well God musta done forgotten me
Cause I got no help that I can see

What can I do
What can I do
When she just wont...
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i'd love it if ytou serenade me with it smile
It's nothing special. Just a tired little song, but thank you just the same.
Pulling an all nighter and SHIT am I bored. Did a bit of updating on my Oi - Reggae group that probably wont take off, but hell a guy has to try right? I enjoy talking about the topics even if few others do. I think a lot of em join up for the Oi factor, and I tend to skimp on the Oi a...
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if i saw you at that show i'd fuckin melt....and then we'd dance all night smile
Well, have a great weekend, sounds like you're on your way! wink
It was a really busy weekend, and I'm just now settling down for a bit of relaxation for the week. It started Friday when I went down to Moore to hang out with this girl that Andrew wanted to fuck or something, and she seemed to be pretty cool. I drank a bit then went back home to sleep it off. The next day I...
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OK. Enough is enough. Time for a good update.

Things haven't been too exicing lately, but at least stuff is happening. Over the past week I've done my usual shit... played pool, hung out downtown near the blues club, etc. Today and tomorrow we're having a garage sale at our house, basically to pay the bills, but I'm making a few dollars out of it...
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hey doll. i'm in your Oi/reggae group....it makes me so happy to see you on here. i havent run into very many skins on here, in fact before i joined the group all i knew of was destro...and i certainly havent seen many byrds hangin around.

just wanted to say hey smile
How was your weekend?? biggrin
What a week. I don't know whether to say it was good or bad. I just know it was very busy compared to my other weeks. Almost every night was spent downtown behind a blues club listening to the music, or driving around the city looking for different things to do.

The most interesting (and infuriating) part of the week came tonight when a BBQ...
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So, is she cute? wink
I love it that you guys associate me with being good at pool and not say... my tendency to drop things. SG is a good place. wink

Question of the day!

Who was your first love and how old were you when you met them?

For me, it was Christine and I was just 12 I believe. Now I'm a nerd and name my favorite possetions...
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My first love? In retrospect...his name was Jon. Began a 3 year relationship that was suppose to end in marriage. Looking back, I'm so glad I didn't, because I'm a completely different person now. But he was a lot of firsts in my life, and left me with incredible memories. I was 18.