It's pretty wierd. I thought coming back here would be fun, but snice I've left it seems like something has changed. I have no interest in updating or even checking on the new photosets. Most of my friends have left in the time I was gone, and now it just feels like a big empty, boring, waste of money. If anybody would like to keep in contact with me now might be a good time to ask for my info, because I highly doubt I'm going to flush another 20 bucks down the toilet when the next pay period rolls around.
If I see one more skinhead fucking with somebody over petty shit I'm gonna be sick. He's a UK skin and everyone is all Oi Oi Skinhead over there to the point of it being rediculous. Here's an idea. RELAX. Fuckin' christ.
Bottom line, I AIN'T RACIST. That's the only time I'm ever gonna say it. So if you're gonna mess with me over some stupid shit like that I would ask you kindly remove yourself from my profile and spare me your idiocy. Go fuck with some real boneheads if you're gonna 'take a stand'. You're all wasting your breath on me.
Do you really think I would list Alton Ellis, Desmond Dekker, Toots and the Maytals, and the fuckin Templars if I was in any way against black culture? I'm a fuckin' SKA BOY! You crack me up. Broaden your horizons, wise up, and don't contact me again.
How can you claim not to be rascist while you're listening to that dead cunt Ian fuckin' Stewart spout bile, and then, have the gaul to tell me to wise up?
In fact don't even bother answering that question, I can't be arsed listening to you try and entertain the idea that it's all about the music.
With any luck it's just a phase you'll grow out of.