Ugh I'm tired of a lot of things right now. Especially the fact that I have less friends than I have in ages. Andrew isn't hanging out for a while... Aaron is just hard to get out to see, and Nathan has work and school except on specific days. Apart from that... not many people I know are around online anymore. I have almost 200 on my AIM list and I talk to less than a dozen. I have nothing to say in my journals and nobody reads them anyway. It's times like these I really wish I had my anti depressants or some sort of anxiety medicine. Hell or a life! I'm so unhappy with the state of things... It's really hard to take all this boredom and lonliness at once. I don't want to go to bed because it just means getting up tomorrow to sit on my ass until I'm sleepy again. I really hate this.
More Blogs
Friday Sep 16, 2005
Thank you all for the birthday wishes. I didn't really expect any. … -
Friday Jul 15, 2005
I dislike this place once again. Either nobody reads my journal, o… -
Friday Jul 08, 2005
So I haven't updated in a while. I guess I've felt like I'm going thr… -
Sunday Jun 26, 2005
I had some nice comments on the last post. It's good to see that a fe… -
Wednesday Jun 08, 2005
It's pretty wierd. I thought coming back here would be fun, but snice… -
Friday May 27, 2005
I haven't been very active on this thing at all. Maybe when things se… -
Tuesday May 10, 2005
Look at this! Back from the dead. I got a job at Fed Ex and had en… -
Saturday Dec 18, 2004
It's been an interesting couple weeks. Unfortunately it hasn't been t… -
Wednesday Dec 08, 2004
I guess I freaked a little too soon on the SG payment thing. I'm stil… -
Sunday Dec 05, 2004
My payment to SG didn't go through, so I'm not sure how much longer I…