I've just been going over the ballot for the upcoming election and there's all sorts of stuff that has me thinking. It scares me cause I know this state pretty well... something like prop 711 could pass here. We have way too many Christian Republicans... and that is a dangerous thing to have.
Gay marriage is banned in this state already. What prop 711 would do is just write the ban into the state constitution. The ONLY reason they want to do that is so when the nation wakes up and realizes it's a FREE COUNTRY... they will have a much harder time of repealing it. Who really cares? I can't stand all these hypocrites and their double standards. Most of the girls know what's up... that everyone is the same deep down. It's the guys with the hang-ups. The 'I love lesbians but fuck those faggots' type guys... It's really sick and stupid. The fact there are people in office with those views is just... well, it's disappointing.
There are other issues that have me fired up as well. Lottery is a big one. I hate the lottery. I hate the very idea of a lottery. You're more likely to be struck by lightning 2 times than win that thing... and yet it's always the poorest people that are buying the cards hoping to win big... just throwing their money away. It's sad the way it works, but there are other factors. Oklahoma's educational system is in shambles... we lose all our best teachers to Texas. Texas doesn't even pay that great... but compared to Oklahoma who's teachers are payed very low (only 3 states below us) it's quite a step up. A large portion of the lotto money would go to schools and teachers. It may just be the boost we need to get us out of the gutter. I don't want to, but I'm voting yes.
There are also issues about casino's and gambling. I don't look at those with much importance... somebody that would go to a casino probably has money to burn. Or they're stupid enough to throw it all away... for those types I have no pity. The rest have to do with tax breaks for disabled vets (good) and things like arbitrary vice taxes (bad). All in all I can't wait to vote and find out what direction this state is headed.
Kerry me.
Oh by the way if you don't agree with me, bite it. We all get an opinion. Feel free to say nice things about me or buy me gifts however... should you share similar views.
I've just been going over the ballot for the upcoming election and there's all sorts of stuff that has me thinking. It scares me cause I know this state pretty well... something like prop 711 could pass here. We have way too many Christian Republicans... and that is a dangerous thing to have.
Gay marriage is banned in this state already. What prop 711 would do is just write the ban into the state constitution. The ONLY reason they want to do that is so when the nation wakes up and realizes it's a FREE COUNTRY... they will have a much harder time of repealing it. Who really cares? I can't stand all these hypocrites and their double standards. Most of the girls know what's up... that everyone is the same deep down. It's the guys with the hang-ups. The 'I love lesbians but fuck those faggots' type guys... It's really sick and stupid. The fact there are people in office with those views is just... well, it's disappointing.
There are other issues that have me fired up as well. Lottery is a big one. I hate the lottery. I hate the very idea of a lottery. You're more likely to be struck by lightning 2 times than win that thing... and yet it's always the poorest people that are buying the cards hoping to win big... just throwing their money away. It's sad the way it works, but there are other factors. Oklahoma's educational system is in shambles... we lose all our best teachers to Texas. Texas doesn't even pay that great... but compared to Oklahoma who's teachers are payed very low (only 3 states below us) it's quite a step up. A large portion of the lotto money would go to schools and teachers. It may just be the boost we need to get us out of the gutter. I don't want to, but I'm voting yes.
There are also issues about casino's and gambling. I don't look at those with much importance... somebody that would go to a casino probably has money to burn. Or they're stupid enough to throw it all away... for those types I have no pity. The rest have to do with tax breaks for disabled vets (good) and things like arbitrary vice taxes (bad). All in all I can't wait to vote and find out what direction this state is headed.
Kerry me.
Oh by the way if you don't agree with me, bite it. We all get an opinion. Feel free to say nice things about me or buy me gifts however... should you share similar views.
Instead, I'm going to just say "hi" and ask how you're doing...Sorry I haven't commented in a while. I've been going through a weird spell. I was having some problems with my job and I was never online...But now I'm playing catch-up.
Hope all is well you little irregular sleeper, you!
You know in the old testament doG said shit like thou shall not trim the sides of your beard? Well I'm not lookin' like ZZ Top so I'll seeya in hell buddy. Man that's some arbitrary shit... and the most powerful people in office have moral systems based on that garbage. I don't even listen to the arguement that it preaches love and goodwill... cause any decent person knows what is right or wrong. It goes way beyond political affiliation.