It was a really busy weekend, and I'm just now settling down for a bit of relaxation for the week. It started Friday when I went down to Moore to hang out with this girl that Andrew wanted to fuck or something, and she seemed to be pretty cool. I drank a bit then went back home to sleep it off. The next day I ended up sleeping until about 4, then catching a ride out to Aaron's house to hang out with him Nett and Kara who had come down from Enid to see us. We went downtown for a while to shoot the shit, then if my memory serves me, we went back to the house and didn't do much of anything afterward, besides a quick trip to walmart to pick me up a couple pairs of spiffy new boxer-briefs. I look sexy in them. I got a ride home at about 9 in the morning and didn't have the energy to go back to Aaron's before Kara left, but I did make it out to 66 bowl later that night to see a very cool local rocksteady band called the Magnificent 7. Went to Deny's afterwards with the rockabilly kids and gave shit to a nosy waiter that just wouldnt leave us alone. Today I slept in again until about 5 or 6, then layed around until I left the house to hang out with Dan and Aaron at about 10 or so. We shot pool and listened to music for a while, then Dan ran me home with a pit stop at Wendys. I'm pretty damn tired and I think I might turn in early, but early when you sleep till 6 is about 8 in the morning.
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Thank you all for the birthday wishes. I didn't really expect any. … -
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