I gave my last entry several days to collect comments but nothing ever came up... even if nobody read it, it feels wierd to have one up there from a day that happened so long ago. I'm moving on, backtrack if you care.
So it's been a wierd week. My head has been pounding and it's getting worse. When I was on my meds, forgetting over 1 day would get me strange, dizzy type headaches that wouldn't go away unless I took my medicine and slept it off. Now that I've taken myself off of the meds, I have a constant headache like that... it's a real sick, unnatural, dizzy type feeling. VERY hard to describe... When it gets to be too bad I'll take a half dose to take the edge off, but it's getting rediculous considering I've been off this shit for 2 weeks at least. I'm considering a doctors visit, but I don't want to bring my insurance into the picture unless its ABSOLUTELY neccessary. If I play my cards right I can keep it until New Years and not the 12th. I wouldn't know what to tell him anyway.
So I'm halfway through getting my GED right now... I took the first half the of the test this morning, and I'll be taking the final half tomorrow. Even though tomorrow's tests are my weak points, It'll be a breeze. I had heard the GED tests were easy, but I had no idea. No offense to anyone who may have had trouble... I've been doing work like this since middle school. My middle school taught at a 10th grade level, so with the skill level of this test I could have probably passed it in 6th grade. It makes me feel like I wasted a lot of gears in school if I could have been out and done so many ago... I'm sure I picked up some useful things along the way though... even if it doesn't 'count' for anything. Doesn't mean it didn't further my knowledge. Anyway. I showed up to the place with 2 pencils, my reading glasses, a calculator, and money for a drink and a phone call. It turns out they have everything I need including calculator all layed out by the time I get there, free coffee, and a phone for local calls. Shame on me for thinking this was going to be like the ACT. Any sort of nervousness about the test was gone when I saw it was being held out of a converted bank in the third story of what is now a home ownership organization. Downtown at that. Totally different than my little world of educational nazi's telling me I needed at least a 20 on the ACT or my life was going to end in nuclear disaster or some such. For the record I got a 24 in the ACT.. my math and science holding it down slightly, while my high reading, rhetoric, and vocabulary skills kicked it up to a comfy average. I'm sure it'll serve some purpose soon. It isn't like I'm NEVER going to college. Just not right now.
Enough about that. Tomorrow I'm getting a steak dinner and a day of pool on the house for my impending birthday, hold your appluase please for the 12th! I'm looking forward to that a lot, if I can ever pull myself from the damn computer and get some rest. I have to wake up in 4 hours...
I'm about typed out... but 2 more things to say.
In Alan's CD player:
Charlie Daniels Band
Hank Williams III
I have about given up on my group completely. I've never seen a more silent bucnh of people... more than half I believe have never posted, and I'm more than sure nobody checks up on it... after a long long silence I decided to get the ball rolling with a post about Vintage Reggae. Well, I made a post... this was on the fucking 16th. On the 20th I was so surprised nobody had noticed it, that I posted a comment to my own entry. I decided to just wait and see how long it would take for somebody to show a little initiative and either post to my topic or start their own... and even on Sep 2nd... 17 days after the topic started, there has been no interest whatsoever. (keep in my the post on the 16th was after weeks of silence ALREADY following a topic about Sublime of all bands... In and Oi - Reggae group... *sigh*)
That's all the rant power I have for the evening. I just had to say how diasppointed I am in the state of my group. Maybe it's just me who's dropped out of the picture, but this site seems a hell of a lot quieter than it did weeks ago. Where I used to check it several times daily to read up on journals and check comments and groups, now I just see the same pages over and over again. My membership ends on the 3rd I believe but will automatically be brought back up for another 3 months... is this something I want to do? Let me know if you want to see me around... but keep in mind if you say yes I'm spending money, so no ditching me now, ya hear?
So it's been a wierd week. My head has been pounding and it's getting worse. When I was on my meds, forgetting over 1 day would get me strange, dizzy type headaches that wouldn't go away unless I took my medicine and slept it off. Now that I've taken myself off of the meds, I have a constant headache like that... it's a real sick, unnatural, dizzy type feeling. VERY hard to describe... When it gets to be too bad I'll take a half dose to take the edge off, but it's getting rediculous considering I've been off this shit for 2 weeks at least. I'm considering a doctors visit, but I don't want to bring my insurance into the picture unless its ABSOLUTELY neccessary. If I play my cards right I can keep it until New Years and not the 12th. I wouldn't know what to tell him anyway.
So I'm halfway through getting my GED right now... I took the first half the of the test this morning, and I'll be taking the final half tomorrow. Even though tomorrow's tests are my weak points, It'll be a breeze. I had heard the GED tests were easy, but I had no idea. No offense to anyone who may have had trouble... I've been doing work like this since middle school. My middle school taught at a 10th grade level, so with the skill level of this test I could have probably passed it in 6th grade. It makes me feel like I wasted a lot of gears in school if I could have been out and done so many ago... I'm sure I picked up some useful things along the way though... even if it doesn't 'count' for anything. Doesn't mean it didn't further my knowledge. Anyway. I showed up to the place with 2 pencils, my reading glasses, a calculator, and money for a drink and a phone call. It turns out they have everything I need including calculator all layed out by the time I get there, free coffee, and a phone for local calls. Shame on me for thinking this was going to be like the ACT. Any sort of nervousness about the test was gone when I saw it was being held out of a converted bank in the third story of what is now a home ownership organization. Downtown at that. Totally different than my little world of educational nazi's telling me I needed at least a 20 on the ACT or my life was going to end in nuclear disaster or some such. For the record I got a 24 in the ACT.. my math and science holding it down slightly, while my high reading, rhetoric, and vocabulary skills kicked it up to a comfy average. I'm sure it'll serve some purpose soon. It isn't like I'm NEVER going to college. Just not right now.
Enough about that. Tomorrow I'm getting a steak dinner and a day of pool on the house for my impending birthday, hold your appluase please for the 12th! I'm looking forward to that a lot, if I can ever pull myself from the damn computer and get some rest. I have to wake up in 4 hours...
I'm about typed out... but 2 more things to say.
In Alan's CD player:
Charlie Daniels Band
Hank Williams III
I have about given up on my group completely. I've never seen a more silent bucnh of people... more than half I believe have never posted, and I'm more than sure nobody checks up on it... after a long long silence I decided to get the ball rolling with a post about Vintage Reggae. Well, I made a post... this was on the fucking 16th. On the 20th I was so surprised nobody had noticed it, that I posted a comment to my own entry. I decided to just wait and see how long it would take for somebody to show a little initiative and either post to my topic or start their own... and even on Sep 2nd... 17 days after the topic started, there has been no interest whatsoever. (keep in my the post on the 16th was after weeks of silence ALREADY following a topic about Sublime of all bands... In and Oi - Reggae group... *sigh*)
That's all the rant power I have for the evening. I just had to say how diasppointed I am in the state of my group. Maybe it's just me who's dropped out of the picture, but this site seems a hell of a lot quieter than it did weeks ago. Where I used to check it several times daily to read up on journals and check comments and groups, now I just see the same pages over and over again. My membership ends on the 3rd I believe but will automatically be brought back up for another 3 months... is this something I want to do? Let me know if you want to see me around... but keep in mind if you say yes I'm spending money, so no ditching me now, ya hear?
Sorry about the group, man. I always check up on every group I'm in, but it seems like people don't wanna discuss anything that actually has anything to do with the group's topics. I like reggae a lot, but it's not as much of a passion for me as Oi, punk, old hard core and the like when it comes to collecting and such. I know what I like and I try to pick up on good leads here and there, but I don't have a lot of worthwhile input on the subject in my opinion. As you saw, nobody had much to say on the Oi topic I started in there either. The other Skinhead group has gone much the same route, but I still see some of the topics that would fit in either group pop up in groups like Punk As Fuck or Aging Punks Unanimous. I don't know why it never really took off, it seemed like something that was wanted here, but who really knows.