Haven't been up very long and I'm updating from a friends house. I ended up going that party last night and decided that it would be much better to stay on this side of town than to call home and get a ride from my very drunk dad. The party was ok. Above average for an "Andrew party" I suppose. Just a lot of sitting around drinking/smoking. The guys talking to each other and the girls waiting around bored until their rides want to leave. Pretty typical stuff. Andrew was trying to hook me up with a girl named Trilaina (sp?) but who the hell knows if she was feeling it or not, and he was so drunk that it turned out to be more embarrasing than appreciated. He meant well. He gave me all his old Effexor though which was probably the highlight of the evening. Since I'm not in school I'm losing my insurance and that shit would have cost me 80 bucks a month. I'm set for another 3 1/2 weeks now for free, on top of the 1-2 weeks I still have left. Good deal. Saving money is definately good. I need a job. Real bad. I'm getting my GED within a week or two though so at least I'm in the motions.
I need an opinion, if you are reading this at all please give it
After I get my GED should I...
A) Go to a Vocational / Trade school and get certified in something (Business, Computers, Etc.) or
B) Go to a Junior College and start to work towards a 4 year like UCO
My friend Robin is really pushing B but it never hurts to get input from those a little older and wiser. Even if it's just by a few years. I just don't want to end up like my dad. Unemployed for 6 years drunk on the sofa living off my mother. Anyway that's all for now. Long post I know. Feed the comment whore!
I need an opinion, if you are reading this at all please give it

A) Go to a Vocational / Trade school and get certified in something (Business, Computers, Etc.) or
B) Go to a Junior College and start to work towards a 4 year like UCO
My friend Robin is really pushing B but it never hurts to get input from those a little older and wiser. Even if it's just by a few years. I just don't want to end up like my dad. Unemployed for 6 years drunk on the sofa living off my mother. Anyway that's all for now. Long post I know. Feed the comment whore!
It all depends on what you wanna end up doing in the long run. Take an honest look at yourself and try to envision yourself comfortably working somewhere about 5 years down the road. Honestly, a lot of trade school stuff can get you into a job that will have you making just as much money in a few years as your going to find after several years in college and without 20 years worth of financial aid to pay off. The important thing to figure out is if you'll be cool with whatever either one of those choices can get you into. If you know what you wanna do then I highly advise you to do WHATEVER it takes to do it.
Hey, your group was approved, I just joined it, but I think you have to do something before it's open for anybody to post in there.