Well I feel dumb. I IM'ed one of my new favorite SG's Louise without really thinking of something to say first. I'm fairly sure I came off as an idiot - and I'm more than sure the SG's have to deal with enough of that already. Well, I can't win them all I suppose. I should really stick to the e-mails, I can take a little more time with what I say. *sigh* Puts a dent in my night, but I know I'm overreacting. I always do. It's a flaw. I just hate making myself look foolish. Especially when all I was trying to do was put a smile on her face
This day has gone downhill from the start. Dizzy spells are back because I keep forgetting my medicine, and on top of the silly little Louise thing I got into a big arguement with a friend of mine, and spent money I can't spare again. Hell I know I'll live - I always do. And I'm sorry to bitch your ears off but these journals are just so handy aren't they? Have a good night. - - - - PS If you read Louise' journal she says stuff that could easily be about myself acting stupid. What a lovely thing to wake up to. Yes I'm overreacting again. What do you want? I said it's a flaw. I'm just mad at myself that I messed up something so simple!! I'll probably have to find a girl to replace her. Not because I think she's any less kind or beautiful, but because once I embarrass myself I have a hard time bouncing back. Comments anyone?

PS: Greetings, "new friend."
welcome to SG!!