Hah take that sleeping pattern gods. One night of staying up late and getting up early and I am back-on-track. Well another sunday morning with nothing to do once again. I have some shit I need to read up on, and I'll probabaly rent a movie for later on. Looks like the start of a pretty dull day - I'll live. Posted a comment or two on some journals, had a couple more fruitless attempts at making friends - oh and I tried making a group! It's called Oi - Reggae and please let me know if you find it because I sure as hell can't... and I'm the owner. That can't be a good sign.
Hey, don't give up on the group, I may submit an application myself just so the powers that be can see there's more people interested and if so, I'll make sure it's very clearly NOT a racial thing. It seems like the group that got stomped out was approved right off the bat and then they felt guilty after closing it down for not checking it out more thoroughly before approving it. It was actually closed after the very first thread was started and all the guy wanted to do was talk about White Power bands and all that shit. I feel VERY strongly about informing people that REAL skinheads aren't racist, I've been standing up to nazis since about 1989 here in Austin and I'm not backing down now. Anyways, I look forward to the group getting started, hope to see you there no matter who gets it going.