Thank you all for the birthday wishes. I didn't really expect any.

My appologies if I missed any of yours.
I dislike this place once again.

Either nobody reads my journal, or they choose to ignore what I write. So I really have nothing more to say, using this medium.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! smile
happy fuckin birthday, fool!
So I haven't updated in a while. I guess I've felt like I'm going through a week or two in my life I don't feel much like documenting. Ever had a time like that? It's not the first time I've done something like this. Phases go by that I don't feel like talking about, and as long as I don't write shit down to stumble...
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Man you should of given me a jingle. frown
I had some nice comments on the last post. It's good to see that a few people wouldn't mind if I decided to stick around smile

I chose to update though, not because I have anything important to talk about. Rather just to start a new line of comments after a douchebag was getting on my ass about Skrewdriver. It happens. If anybody cares to see...
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I'd be sure to say hi if I ever saw you, but seein' as I'm livin' up Colorado way now, I doubt that'll be happenin' anytime soon. Good to see you're stickin' around here for a bit anyway.
Nah, I didn't chop it off. We have a wedding to go to at the end of August, and I want to have hair for it. Thanks for the vote of confidence, though! ^__^
It's pretty wierd. I thought coming back here would be fun, but snice I've left it seems like something has changed. I have no interest in updating or even checking on the new photosets. Most of my friends have left in the time I was gone, and now it just feels like a big empty, boring, waste of money. If anybody would like to keep...
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It makes me wonder what picture he uploaded. Haha. I've heard the little Skrewdriver rant so many times it actually makes me laugh now. This is a big message going out to everyone who may be reading it. If you got issues with what I listen to.. fuck off and keep it to yourself.

If I see one more skinhead fucking with somebody over petty shit I'm gonna be sick. He's a UK skin and everyone is all Oi Oi Skinhead over there to the point of it being rediculous. Here's an idea. RELAX. Fuckin' christ.

Bottom line, I AIN'T RACIST. That's the only time I'm ever gonna say it. So if you're gonna mess with me over some stupid shit like that I would ask you kindly remove yourself from my profile and spare me your idiocy. Go fuck with some real boneheads if you're gonna 'take a stand'. You're all wasting your breath on me.

Do you really think I would list Alton Ellis, Desmond Dekker, Toots and the Maytals, and the fuckin Templars if I was in any way against black culture? I'm a fuckin' SKA BOY! You crack me up. Broaden your horizons, wise up, and don't contact me again.
Look, I ain't tryin' pick fights, I was just questioning your integrity.

How can you claim not to be rascist while you're listening to that dead cunt Ian fuckin' Stewart spout bile, and then, have the gaul to tell me to wise up?

In fact don't even bother answering that question, I can't be arsed listening to you try and entertain the idea that it's all about the music. puke

With any luck it's just a phase you'll grow out of.
I haven't been very active on this thing at all. Maybe when things settle down I'll start to post more regularly again and get my monies worth. Ever since I got my car shit has been nonstop. I'm always really tired or working.

I promise to try and do a real post Sunday with details of how the BBQ on Sat went down.
Look at this! Back from the dead.

I got a job at Fed Ex and had enough money left over to grab another 3 months here. I don't know if I'll do it again when the 3 months come up. I guess it all depends on how I like the place after coming back. It's exciting regardless.

Today in about an hour I'm going to...
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Good to see you back again, congrats on both the job and the car.
Hey what's up? Liked some of the shit that you had to say, and thought that I would check your page out.

I've been on a military deployment since last June, and before that I wasn't making any shows(no money or time), or hanging out with my skin buddies much. All the guys that have been around a while moved, and the younger guys have their own thing going, they're more like little brothers.

I've been wanting to get a little more involved with the scene again, and make some road trips before I head out west. Maybe I can come up and visit you all in OK sometime, just to check your scene out. Hanging out in other cities is awesome. I like seeing how others do things.

I hope that you don't think that this is weird bro. I'm no fucking freakjob or anything. Just another Skin, and out of touch with the world!!
It's been an interesting couple weeks. Unfortunately it hasn't been the healthiest time of my life. I haven't been eating very well and I've been taking a lot of pills, drinking, and smoking. My quest for pool still hasn't been accomplished either... every time I've made plans to do it, it's fallen through for one reason or another. The next chance I'll get to TRY...
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Skinhead moonstomp. Why? Phoenix City, need I say more?
I guess I freaked a little too soon on the SG payment thing. I'm still here so I guess here I shall stay, for the moment anyway. I sent out a few mails and you all have my info if you want to contact me once I'm gone. I'll most likely be back with my first paycheck once I get a job. I'm going to...
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That's so nice of you.
You could say that I love him a lot since I named my son Desmond. wink
My payment to SG didn't go through, so I'm not sure how much longer I'll be around. If I can get some money soon I suppose I'll pay my balance and stay on the site, but I'm not sure what happens when yuo can't pay if it doesn't just kick you off the site. If that does happen I'll miss you guys, If you want...
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If it lapses you go grey, no big deal, everything is still here waiting for you. I'm not sure exactly how long it keeps you there for, but at the very least it's several months.