I make fun of my brother for being so dorkishly obsessed with frol- er, I mean disc golf, but, truth is, it's pretty fun.
This course was in Tahoe. "Heavily wooded" as advertised. What's more entertaining is his insistence on referring to the parent sport as "ball golf."
Today I saw a sign on top of a taxicab. The first line of text was WE DARE YOU NOT TO READ THIS. So I didn't read on. Fuck you, sign. But now I'm really curious as to what the rest of it said. There were a good three or four more lines of text. Fucking sign.
I make fun of my brother for being so dorkishly obsessed with frol- er, I mean disc golf, but, truth is, it's pretty fun.

This course was in Tahoe. "Heavily wooded" as advertised. What's more entertaining is his insistence on referring to the parent sport as "ball golf."
Today I saw a sign on top of a taxicab. The first line of text was WE DARE YOU NOT TO READ THIS. So I didn't read on. Fuck you, sign. But now I'm really curious as to what the rest of it said. There were a good three or four more lines of text. Fucking sign.
How've you been? How were the trips, the music, the summer thus far?
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