Now I grew up in this area and from a very early age
It occurred to me that the world could be much bigger than The Bay.
Now I've journeyed round the earth and I can ceratinly say
If I'm lucky they'll bury me here I'll hit the pearly gates
-Lyrics Born
"The Bay"
We love this town. I'm not huge on remix records, but "if you must do a remix...!" Support independent hip-hop. Support Bay Area artists. Support peace, love, and everything good in the world. And after you've picked up Same !@#$ Different Day, get tickets to the Music Hall next week for the release party. It will be fucking huge. Guaranteed.
Nobody wants to go to the Giants game with me tonight because of the goddam Kings game. And it's Schmidt poster night too! Boo.
So, this happened (stay with me):
For some reason the administration at my school feels the need to generate ancillary funds by renting out space to a weekend church group. For some even less fathomable reason, the church group chooses to utilize my messy-as-hell classroom for some of their functions. As a result, the last few weeks has seen me engage in a silent war with members of the faith. They leave me little messages on my dry-erase board; I hide or throw away missals and assorted crap they leave behind. I'm not some atheistic rabble-rouser, but shuffling in bleary-eyed on Monday morning only to flick on the lights to "Smile, God is watching" just creeps me the fuck out. Plus they do weird things like take books off of my shelves and build little houses in the corner. So fuck them.
Anyway, when I came in this Monday, they left behind two purple velvety wooden-handled offering bags. At least, that's what I'm told they are. They're mine now. It's the final piece to my monk Halloween costume. Candy for God, goddammit. It also makes a neat upside-down-cross antichrist hat. And my students love passing it around when I collect homework. Sucks that they have to sorta ball up the papers though. And the seven loaves and fishes miracle doesn't work for missing assignments...
It occurred to me that the world could be much bigger than The Bay.
Now I've journeyed round the earth and I can ceratinly say
If I'm lucky they'll bury me here I'll hit the pearly gates
-Lyrics Born
"The Bay"

We love this town. I'm not huge on remix records, but "if you must do a remix...!" Support independent hip-hop. Support Bay Area artists. Support peace, love, and everything good in the world. And after you've picked up Same !@#$ Different Day, get tickets to the Music Hall next week for the release party. It will be fucking huge. Guaranteed.
Nobody wants to go to the Giants game with me tonight because of the goddam Kings game. And it's Schmidt poster night too! Boo.
So, this happened (stay with me):
For some reason the administration at my school feels the need to generate ancillary funds by renting out space to a weekend church group. For some even less fathomable reason, the church group chooses to utilize my messy-as-hell classroom for some of their functions. As a result, the last few weeks has seen me engage in a silent war with members of the faith. They leave me little messages on my dry-erase board; I hide or throw away missals and assorted crap they leave behind. I'm not some atheistic rabble-rouser, but shuffling in bleary-eyed on Monday morning only to flick on the lights to "Smile, God is watching" just creeps me the fuck out. Plus they do weird things like take books off of my shelves and build little houses in the corner. So fuck them.
Anyway, when I came in this Monday, they left behind two purple velvety wooden-handled offering bags. At least, that's what I'm told they are. They're mine now. It's the final piece to my monk Halloween costume. Candy for God, goddammit. It also makes a neat upside-down-cross antichrist hat. And my students love passing it around when I collect homework. Sucks that they have to sorta ball up the papers though. And the seven loaves and fishes miracle doesn't work for missing assignments...

Well hey, that's good. I mean, I chose between The Guide and Hustle, so it looks like the right choice was made. Too bad that it sucked though. Adams deserves better.
Had you read any of the Hitchhikier books? An uncle gave them to me when I was like ten years old. I tried starting them, but, the humor just wasn't there for me, and I never tried reading them since.