Thanks to my friends for taking me out for sushi, (many) drinks, and strippers (thankfully not all in the same place). However I have a raging hangover now...
The big 4-0.... not sure how to feel. Should I be happy that I made it this long, or sad that I made it this long....hmmm... I guess any day your body isn't fertilizing grass is a good day. So I'll be happy... I guess. Maybe...
p.s. i like older guys.
Sweet! I like younger women....
It's Monday...Not too happy about that.
now it's hump day...that's good right???
I can't stand Mondays either. I always have extreme anxiety on mondays.
I can't stand Mondays either. I always have extreme anxiety on mondays.
Hump day is ALWAYS good.
Still awake... haven't slept since Thursday night. Damn you Methylprednisolone!!!!
I'm thankful that steroids work to help fight illness, but damn they make me NOT sleep. I'M SO TIRED!!
not hungover, but I've had a two day some temporary relief yesterday evening but it came right back this morning. starting to feel better but basically I'm miserable too.