random quote....
*cheers* heres to the good life...
the biggest turn off for me, is girls that are open about their drug use... like pot-head girls... such a turn off. all i got to say is fuck "420"... go be a crack head or something... lets get classy with the drugs... pot is sooo 1999.
i need some fresh air...
i got the whole world in my hands...

for my birthday, i got a blank airline ticket for anywhere around the world... now i need to figure out where i want to go...
i got sun burnt today... it kinda sucks... hmmm....
.... but not with the mad face.... more like a confused face....

happy birthday! (it's my little bro's b-day too!)
baby, i just want to say, in the daterape contest, your victim number one...
my floor in my new room is rotting away in one corner... so i gets to stay at my grand mama's house... oh shit!


shit if i know.your a local...

Which one are you in the haunted house? We went on Saturday and walked through.... got a bit lost, but the people kept direction us when they saw we didn't have a clue where we were going.... I didn't really get scared though, but I think it's cause we had just come from the beer gardens....