Hello readers!!!
Today is such a happy day for me! I'll try to be quick...
First of it, I had a meeting in the morning (I cannot describe how much I HATE breakfast meetings) and received great news: my project of a play for children was approved! So they can call us any minute to buy our play! So happy about it! I'll tell you more and show some sketches of it later!
Also, came home to see my English Proficiency test results, and I passed!!
ALSO, received an email from the Strictu Sensu program I'm applying, and I passed that too!!!
So, to complete my day, today is the day when you can make me a suicide girl
BB_ - Soho
My set is now available for member review!!!
Today is such a happy day for me! I'll try to be quick...
First of it, I had a meeting in the morning (I cannot describe how much I HATE breakfast meetings) and received great news: my project of a play for children was approved! So they can call us any minute to buy our play! So happy about it! I'll tell you more and show some sketches of it later!
Also, came home to see my English Proficiency test results, and I passed!!
ALSO, received an email from the Strictu Sensu program I'm applying, and I passed that too!!!
So, to complete my day, today is the day when you can make me a suicide girl

BB_ - Soho
My set is now available for member review!!!
I hope you become pink soon, best wishes!