We have a tradition of movie nights to let co-workers catch up on "movies they haven't seen." It started when we were chatting and as these conversations go, "WHAT?! You haven't seen...x? how about y? or z?" So a list was started. The administrator of the list lumps things together into 'connected' movies. I won't say theme because it can be "these both have Donnie in the title" (Donnie Darko vs Donnie Brasco) or "they both have the theme of not leaving people behind" (Spy Games vs Black Hawk Down) or they
In the case of last night's movies, we watched "They Live" and "The Princess Bride" (yes some poor sot where I work had never seen the Princess Bride. In his defense he is 22. For the rest of us. We bit down on our tongues and tried not to overly quote it. I handed whiskey to folks so they could drink instead of quoting it.. which works for the first part of the move but leads to how shall we say... a looser tongue down the home stretch.
They Live, with the unforgettable five minute fight scene between the protagonist and his buddy. It starts like any buddy fight would start over. Some inane thing. "I'm giving you a choice: either put on these glasses or start eatin' that trash can." and results in a considerably longer than is necessary fight. But I guess that's to be expected when your protagonist is a professional wrestler. It feels like one of John Carpenter's early works. (which I just double checked and he's been making films for a LOT longer so I'm wrong on this case). It just felt like newb camera work and direction... :-) He wrote the sound track which is a smidge too repetitive (we were commenting on that with his Halloween soundtrack too) It is no Big Trouble in Little China and it is no The Thing. (and it thankfully is no Vampires)
It was disturbing to me how much social commentary was made in that movie that still holds true today. Maybe some economic parallel between the late 80s and today, where the middle-class is getting squeezed... I don't know - it could just be a coincidence. (or it could be that old axiom of those who do not study their history are doomed to repeat it)
I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass.............
.................... ...And I'm all out of bubblegum.
and then... we watched the Princess Bride.
That's a damn fine love story. There is something magical in the re-watching of it. I was going to blubber more about it but I'll save that for another time I think.
This is true love... you think this sort of thing happens everyday?