We drank Sangria and had yummy yummy food and THAN we drank Porron!
The Porron bottle looks a lot like a bong. It is a shaped funnel that you place at your lips and extend your hand outwards while pouring into your mouth.
Luckily for me someone has a web page with pictures and a youtube
Exhibit A
Well we actually bought the bottle and filled it with Cava and drank a lot of it.
We showed up at the party well into tipsy. I got put on "time out" for a bit actually.
And we went to see Los Diablos playing at the Nog. wandered back to the house for the countdown. and than...we wandered through the street, visiting neighbors and crashing parties after midnight. I brought along the porron bottle and we toasted out the new year encouraging people to 'extend!' 'EXTEND the arm'!!! We went to three strangers houses where my crowning moment was opening the fridge, seeing an unopened bottle of champaign and opening it. (how brazen? or what an ass? probably a bit of both)
How many shirts did BB go through last night?
Mat and Jessica brought a girl for me to meet. She had zero interest. She didn't try very hard to hide it. The least you can do is say hi. Win some, lose some.
and somehow, after being 'cagely asked to use the door' from one of the parties that we were crashing, (bunch of 24 ish crowd not liking this thirtish dude I guess) I made my way back to my friends house (after stopping at the wrong door) and fell into a deep sleep.
I did wake up briefly to kiss the toilet. But it wasn't a very emotional kiss and it didn't last too long. (much to my relief)
and in the morning I cooked everyone in the house omelets and biscuits from a can.
good friends. good food. good drinking.
A great start to the new year!