So explains the Oracle to Neo about the future.
The Players:
BB: He's not your average every day type prankster
Nate: friend and former co-worker. we hang out and be geeky together playing Role Playing Games
Sue: hottie girlfriend of Nate. I've become "Nate's Number one Friend"
Sue2: roommate of Sue
Allison: cute single girl, friend of Sue2, was supposed to be at the Yankee Swap that didn't happen. I tease Sue for us not meeting even though technically she is Sue2's friend.
Kate sister of Nate. She is dangerous.
The Play
Scene 1
This weekend started pretty crummy. I fell into pool of melancholy sometime around Thursday. I took a test for an online dating site and it told me that I was "the nice guy" (why is this a bad thing?)
On paper, most girls would name the Boy Next Door as their ideal mate. In the real world, however, you're often passed over for more dangerous or masculine men. You're the typical "nice guy:" without just a touch of cockiness, you're doomed with girls. A shoulder to cry on? Okay, sure. But never a penis to hold.
What is/was this crap?! An actual personality quiz the end result of which basically tells me 'sorry kid. you got the gift, but something is holding you back.' (can you tell I've been watching the Matrix?) But it is interesting trying to change your nature. How does one get more bad?! They don't listen to Michael. (Jackson that is...- or maybe they do but that's the wrong kind of bad). Be more selfish, less selfless, want more sex, less love, apparently be less attentive. You can't see into the future past the decisions you don't understand. I don't want to change. so F that noise. and if I did, I'm not sure what part of me I'd want to change.
The Riddle
So why is it when I'm at a restaurant with friends. I can be witty and charming to the cutie waitress?
The answer
Because I know it doesn't mean anything. Because (and this is the newest piece of the puzzle unlocked on Friday morning): I'm not good at the approach and initial ice breaker. The waitress is forced to interact with me. and it is only AFTER the initial contact that she smells my manslut pheromones and realizes that I'm funny,witty, charming, mega cool. Because I never have to actually ask 'hey are you interested' and when we're done with food, I thank her, leave a big tip, and wander away.
Scene 2: The weekend picks up
Friday night I met with Nate, Kate, and Sue for some good times at the Enormous Room. (site of the infamous David only gets 6 of the 7 phone numbers from the pretty Peace Corps Girl fun little story) (a story which happened within the presence of Nate and Sue as a matter of fact.
I was frolicking around the floor, when two young ladies were smiling and watching me. and I did something very out of character. I went over and chatted with them at their table! I left my friends and talked to these two women. Anne and Andy (for Andrea) I was slightly more interested in one over the other, but she was less interested in me. and really it just felt good to actually have broken the inertia and be TALKING... to GIRLS! I went to the bathroom, scribbled my phone number and email address on a piece of paper, and returned to the table with them. Later my friends signaled that we had to leave so I needed to take care of business (as in help pay the check). I stood up, gave the paper to the two girls and wandered back to my table.
And I got home and found an email from the cute girl at the gym! She was of course chastising me about not having come in over the last week, but. BUT. BUUUUUTTT she mentioned she might be interested in going out dancing with me. (you bet your ass, I was all Tee hee hee)
Hung out with Nate and Sue and Kate, and played poker, and I didn't do too poorly! the plan as poker first, rock godding second. We almost didn't do rock godding though because it was so late and than we had dinner (at Legal Seafoods which was good but man am I spending money like a sailor back in town). But we did come back to my place and drink tequila till the wee hours of the morn and rock like the gods we were.
Sunday- Agenda
5:30 pm Dali. Tapas and Sangria with Matty and Becky
7:30ish pm Nate and Sue are throwing a low key party at Sue's house. Maybe Allison (single friend of Sue2, roommate of Sue will be there!) My other friend Mat and his girl are coming and they are bringing Amy (single girl)
Sometime later: Nog, Watch Los Diablos play music. Rock out.
somewhere in there will be a countdown. I may go to the uncommon ground and re-meet up with Matty and Becky. (Becky doesn't like Kate... which is why there are two circles of friends doing stuff together)
I WILL KISS A GIRL on the new year.
and to top it all off I've been talking to a young lady via Friendster. one of the few women to actually reply. She's a hard core swimmer. I'm not sure if she's interested... but it is nice to be trading email back and forth.
And the Greek girl should be coming back soon. (I do appear to have a nice set of distractions though)
Greek Girl
Swimmer Girl
Alison maybe at the party
Amy maybe at the party
Cute girl at the gym
I wonder if bad-boys have the same problem when they want to re-define themselves. (oh wait, bad boys go home and fuck the prom queen, which doesn't leave a lot of room for internal introspection and desire for change).
Anne sent me an email! (and another case of tee hee hee ensues)