Random thinkingness creates all sorts of strange ideas float about and you find yourself wondering what the use is in the wierdest things or even yourself. I was wondering.................everybody comes to end at some point no-one really wants to think about it but shit happens. So I thought I'd ask y'all at SG when your numbers up and your loved ones are watching your casket draw down the aisle of a dingy church what music would you want to be played?
As for me am undecide the choices are extensive: could go all self and world hating and something melancholic like Radioheads Prove yourself or street spirit with Lines such as (I'm better off deaed, and I can feel deaths blue hands touching me) but then why promote misery and antagonise melancholy on what'd probably be an already sombre day. So Always look on the bright side of life from Monty pythons Life of Brian I think would be both humourous and such a classy way to go or maybe the mighty D's tribute in homage to yourself imagine that in the church hall!
Hmmmmmm The things I think about when i'm bored lol. Now what was that .... oh yeah Must muse more upon other uses for soap on a rope. Requires some thinking so anty ideas post them here ta.
You'll make an old boy happy.
Adios amigos
Ps check out Amoks new set if you haven't already that girl is hotter than ahuntsman bludgeoning a fox to death in the grassy climbs of a southern track!
As for me am undecide the choices are extensive: could go all self and world hating and something melancholic like Radioheads Prove yourself or street spirit with Lines such as (I'm better off deaed, and I can feel deaths blue hands touching me) but then why promote misery and antagonise melancholy on what'd probably be an already sombre day. So Always look on the bright side of life from Monty pythons Life of Brian I think would be both humourous and such a classy way to go or maybe the mighty D's tribute in homage to yourself imagine that in the church hall!

Hmmmmmm The things I think about when i'm bored lol. Now what was that .... oh yeah Must muse more upon other uses for soap on a rope. Requires some thinking so anty ideas post them here ta.
You'll make an old boy happy.
Adios amigos
Ps check out Amoks new set if you haven't already that girl is hotter than ahuntsman bludgeoning a fox to death in the grassy climbs of a southern track!

Haha - those lyrics are the shit. Oooh soap on a rope. This guy that used to stalk me bought me loads of really good stuff for my birthday (I mean like he eaves-dropped all my conversations and made notes months in advance), but for some unknown reason gave me a fully life-sized penis soap on a rope. I'm unsure what exactly he was trying to say to me. That I needed to get some? That I needed to wash more? How fucking creepy!

you are silly.