Oooh Have I been neglecting to update me thinks so.
Weekend away was excellent didn't get to smoke as much as I'd hoped but that was about the only downer.
Much drinking and musing with old friends is totally fun
So apologies for not sending out Valentines as I had no access to computer whilst away
Hope everyone had a good (and romantic) day plenty of sex and chocolate thats what its all about lol
However my best friend and rocking ex-bandmate has moved to Switzerland which is a huge bummer I mean for gods sakes Switzerland! what the hells there apart from bucket load of snow and nazi gold oh and of course the lovely Enola....
Still waiting to hear how my audition went but not so bothered anymore the excitement has gone away now.
hum ti dum, My porn star name is Trixie Jackson anyone got a better one?
(if you don't know how to work it out take your first pets name then add your mothers maiden name and voila a pornstar name!) yay
catch ya l8er peeps

Weekend away was excellent didn't get to smoke as much as I'd hoped but that was about the only downer.
Much drinking and musing with old friends is totally fun

So apologies for not sending out Valentines as I had no access to computer whilst away

Hope everyone had a good (and romantic) day plenty of sex and chocolate thats what its all about lol

However my best friend and rocking ex-bandmate has moved to Switzerland which is a huge bummer I mean for gods sakes Switzerland! what the hells there apart from bucket load of snow and nazi gold oh and of course the lovely Enola....

Still waiting to hear how my audition went but not so bothered anymore the excitement has gone away now.
hum ti dum, My porn star name is Trixie Jackson anyone got a better one?
(if you don't know how to work it out take your first pets name then add your mothers maiden name and voila a pornstar name!) yay
catch ya l8er peeps

(Pssh, Valentines day indeed..who needs it?!
Im glad your weekend away was good anyway, and i agree that musing and drinking with old friends (or indeed almost anyone) is always fun!
Marlowe allegedly wrote plays then accredited to Shakespeare, you say?!!!! Wow! *will mention this in class tomorrow!*
Well it interested me anyway! My passing on of useless info to you is that they killed Socrates by making him drink Hemlock because he was seen as a danger to the state!