wow i've been away a long time and i come back to find methadonepretty has tagged me. !
So that means i gotta update soon.
Why have i been awya so long?
Well have been soooooo busy with work and moving home (yes i know again!)
but i think i'll be settled here and looking forward to speaking to some of my favourite people on here again, sorry again to every1 if i have to ask u stuff u posted ages ago but i'll never catch up at this rate coz im like 4 months behind..........
So hoping to catch up with you
Greenfairy Lexie methadonepretty, Tilly and everyone else i speak to on here
that is if anyones still talking to me
So that means i gotta update soon.
Why have i been awya so long?
Well have been soooooo busy with work and moving home (yes i know again!)
but i think i'll be settled here and looking forward to speaking to some of my favourite people on here again, sorry again to every1 if i have to ask u stuff u posted ages ago but i'll never catch up at this rate coz im like 4 months behind..........
So hoping to catch up with you
Greenfairy Lexie methadonepretty, Tilly and everyone else i speak to on here
that is if anyones still talking to me
Happy holidays!
Love and xmas fish ><