Recently I have withdrawn my interest in SG, due the fact I applied to join SGUK, nothing wrong with that, however I later discovered not only had I not been accepted, I have been banned from SGUK, initially I thought Oh no what have I said, or done, I continued to think about it over the following few weeks, and became a bit annoyed, and at one point thought if SGUK had one neck I'd hack it through, and why shouldn't I, the last place I was banned from was a sweet shop around 20 YEARS AGO, (my friend was overcritical of the proprietors stock, why I got banned I will never know)
I fell I must point out, I do not have a criminal record, or have received any cautions from the police, though I did once recive one parking ticket, the local council changed the Sunday parking rules, I still spend many an evening brooding about it. Whilst a member of SG I have never used any bad language, or posted anything inappropriate, however it appears I am a creepy person, I also feel I must point out if anyone finds me nasty or creepy person, this world may not be for you, I have meet a lot of far, far, far worst people than me, brace yourselves for big bad nasty world, your in for a long rough ride.
If I have upset someone it was not intentional and I am sorry, I think what may of happend was i was looking for the funny/clever angle on a subject which may have been inappropriate. I doubt I will ever reapply to join SGUK, it has become all a bit to much.
The SG by far i have had most contact with is Jackie, maybe at times I was a bit over familiar with her and other SG, but I like to feel it was all light hearted, and inoffensive, or was it?, who knows, let me know.
I can see why some people on this site appear low, down and depressed, I think I will join you.
Mind you I think I am warming to SG again, OOOhhh anyone who wants to withdraw thier friendship can, I will leave it up to you, after all I am a creepy person.
I fell I must point out, I do not have a criminal record, or have received any cautions from the police, though I did once recive one parking ticket, the local council changed the Sunday parking rules, I still spend many an evening brooding about it. Whilst a member of SG I have never used any bad language, or posted anything inappropriate, however it appears I am a creepy person, I also feel I must point out if anyone finds me nasty or creepy person, this world may not be for you, I have meet a lot of far, far, far worst people than me, brace yourselves for big bad nasty world, your in for a long rough ride.
If I have upset someone it was not intentional and I am sorry, I think what may of happend was i was looking for the funny/clever angle on a subject which may have been inappropriate. I doubt I will ever reapply to join SGUK, it has become all a bit to much.
The SG by far i have had most contact with is Jackie, maybe at times I was a bit over familiar with her and other SG, but I like to feel it was all light hearted, and inoffensive, or was it?, who knows, let me know.
I can see why some people on this site appear low, down and depressed, I think I will join you.
Mind you I think I am warming to SG again, OOOhhh anyone who wants to withdraw thier friendship can, I will leave it up to you, after all I am a creepy person.

Eventually group rules were brought in so that the girls were better protected. Any member who made girls feel uncomfortable was not allowed into the group, and hence the group flourished once again. Also, any members who got in, and then made the girls feel uncomfortable were chucked out.
You may feel hard done by, I can understand why. But the attitude you are taking will not win over any new fans.
Personally, I can see why you might make people feel uncomfortable.
The one and only contact I remember having with you is a message, signed with a kiss. Then you subscribed to my myspace blog with a blank profile and you have never accepted my friends request.
People don't remember you for what you said, or what you did, but how you made them feel.
Take time to assess your familiarity with people, and read your comments/messages twice before posting.
Oh and to single out Jackie in this post is bad form. So this is me letting you know, I can't speak for her, but you're doing exactly what this post is about, in my mind.
i do wanna add though...however much outside people think SGUK is cliquey, it isn't. sure, we all go out a lot, and everyone kinda knows everyone. but its definately not a clique, and i'd think its safe to say not everyone gets on.
BUT - one thing thats always been in place is that we all look out for each other, without question, regardless of how friendly we are with one another.
and this goes doubly so for people that we (i) consider to be close friends.