Hi everyone,
Thankyou for all those vouched my thread, which will hopefully lead to me becoming a member of SGUK
, well done again.
No mention of Britney in this particular blog (whoops I did it again) , on another blog I may do rehab, why do so many stars go there, is it any good, does one size fit all, I doubt it.
On Saturday I went down the gym, it is always nice to see people beavering away, keeping heathly and fit, I do fell so sorry for some people who are overweight, they work so hard down the gym, they are amongst the amongst the fittest and strongest people down there, thier very fit. But in some eyes may not look it.
I am not an expert of metabolism, but it appears to be so cruel, on one hand some people can eat so much, in particular crap, and never put on weight, on the down side there are those who appear to be overweight through absolutely no fault of their own, it seems so cruel.
I can never say going to the gym is fun, its quite hard work, but you get a sense of achievement afterwards, I think to many people are unnecessarily unhealthy, why do to many people live on thier couches, because its the easiest option, they have given into thier cravings, the craving to do nothing, tut tut, mind you I am not super fit.
On another slightly healthier matter I went to a spa, it was not very expensive and I went in the hot tub (for far to long) and the steam room (many times) and pool, I did not go in the sauna as I have asthma and its not recommended. I may go again its good fun as long as you do it safely.
Andrew x
Thankyou for all those vouched my thread, which will hopefully lead to me becoming a member of SGUK

No mention of Britney in this particular blog (whoops I did it again) , on another blog I may do rehab, why do so many stars go there, is it any good, does one size fit all, I doubt it.
On Saturday I went down the gym, it is always nice to see people beavering away, keeping heathly and fit, I do fell so sorry for some people who are overweight, they work so hard down the gym, they are amongst the amongst the fittest and strongest people down there, thier very fit. But in some eyes may not look it.
I am not an expert of metabolism, but it appears to be so cruel, on one hand some people can eat so much, in particular crap, and never put on weight, on the down side there are those who appear to be overweight through absolutely no fault of their own, it seems so cruel.
I can never say going to the gym is fun, its quite hard work, but you get a sense of achievement afterwards, I think to many people are unnecessarily unhealthy, why do to many people live on thier couches, because its the easiest option, they have given into thier cravings, the craving to do nothing, tut tut, mind you I am not super fit.
On another slightly healthier matter I went to a spa, it was not very expensive and I went in the hot tub (for far to long) and the steam room (many times) and pool, I did not go in the sauna as I have asthma and its not recommended. I may go again its good fun as long as you do it safely.
Andrew x

Maybe i will...won't be till i can get my sister to take sum more pix tho xx
i vouched for you already, but it looks like the february vouch thread is locked now.. x